Chapter 1019 The little cub goes to play
When the movie was showing, Little Taotie, Little Jinzi, and Little Lingzhi were traveling in Huaguo.

This is a gift from my elder brother, hotel vouchers for all places in Huaguo, hotel vouchers, tickets for attractions... a big box is full of vouchers!
These coupons are time-limited and expire at the end of the summer vacation.

This made Zai Zai, who wanted to work hard, have to give up work and spend some coupons first, as if forced to travel, but the little girl was a little happy, and chose a few places she wanted to go the most.

Xiao Jinzi was touched, originally she planned to come to Huaguo to play, but as soon as she came, she just worked and hadn't played yet.

Xiao Lingzhi was overjoyed, and rejected all the announcements, and the manager jumped in anger.

The first stop is the capital of China.

The three little cubs didn't have any free hands. They had a bunch of candied haws in one hand and a bunch of candied fruits in the other. The three of them agreed that each of them would get a bunch of candied haws, and the other hand held three bunches of different flavors.

Little Taotie was holding oranges with rock sugar, and Xiao Lingzhi was holding strawberries with rock sugar. Little Jinzi was a little weird and chose a bunch of green peppers with rock sugar!
Little Taotie ate a strawberry with rock sugar in Xiao Lingzhi's hand, Xiao Lingzhi ate a piece of rock sugar orange in Xiao Taotie's hand, Xiao Jinzi handed over the rock sugar green pepper in his hand, and welcomed the two to taste it, but they received disgusted looks .

The two turned around and left without eating.

Little Jinzi grinned silly and said, "Then I'll taste it alone!"

She took a bite and was stunned for a while, taking advantage of Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi not seeing, she vomited quietly, looked back at the bodyguards not far away, trotted over, locked on the target Jin Yin, took a bite out of her hand The rock sugar green pepper was passed to Jin Yin.

"Brother, you have worked hard, this rewards you."

Jin Yin: "..." Reluctantly took it.

Xiao Jinzi seemed to have thrown away a hot potato, afraid of being thrown back, he ran away quickly.

Seeing that she only had a bunch of candied haws in her hand, Little Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi frowned.

Xiao Jinjin hurriedly clarified: "I didn't waste it, I'm not a wasteful person!"

Little Lingzhi was suspicious: "You ate it? I don't believe it."

Xiao Jinzi covered her mouth and snickered, and pointed behind her quietly.

Little Ganoderma lucidum and Little Taotie looked back, and saw that Jin Yin was tall and big, but he was holding a bunch of rock sugar green peppers that didn't match him, and a corner was still missing.

Xiao Lingzhi hurriedly took out her phone and started taking pictures.

Xiao Jinzi was puzzled: "What are you shooting?"

Little Ganoderma lucidum giggled: "Take a picture, it's worth remembering!"

Little Taotie secretly smiled, helped Xiao Lingzhi take the rock sugar strawberries, opened his mouth and ate another one, and commented: "Rock sugar strawberries are the best!"

Xiao Jinjin sucked his saliva: "I want to eat too."

Xiao Lingzhi put the phone away, took back the rock sugar strawberries, and hummed: "Who told you to choose rock sugar green peppers!"

Little Taotie handed the rock candy orange to Little Lingzhi's mouth, and Little Lingzhi took a bite of it, giggling: "You and I can exchange it, but I won't give it to you!"

Xiao Jinzi regretted it so much that he could only take a bite of candied haws and grinned: "It's so sour!"

I don't know whether it is the sour candied haws or the sourness in my heart.

Xiao Jinzi could only watch helplessly as the two finished eating the rock sugar strawberries and rock sugar oranges in one bite.

Little Jinzi licked his lips, almost dying of hunger.

"The donkey is rolling! It's delicious, let's eat it!" Xiao Lingzhi beckoned the two to follow quickly.

Little Jinjin wondered, "Donkey meat?"

When I came to the stall, there were three distinct colors of yellow, white and red, and it turned out to be soft and glutinous pastries.

(End of this chapter)

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