Chapter 1020 The Great Wall Has Thousands of Miles

Looking at the red bricks and green tiles, Little Jinzi exclaimed, "Is this the imperial palace?"

"It's the ancient imperial palace!" Xiao Lingzhi took Xiao Taotie's hand and asked the bodyguards to take pictures for them.

Xiao Jinzi also leaned over, and the three cubs posed in various cute poses, attracting passers-by to watch.

"It looks familiar!"

"It's Little Glutton!"

"It's Xiao Lingzhi!"

"There is also Xiao Jinzi, an overseas friend!"

The crowd gathered around, and the three cubs hurriedly put on their masks, sprinted 500 meters, and ran!
Hiding in the toilet, Xiao Taotie breathed a sigh of relief: "I can't take off the mask to take pictures in the future, there are too many people."

Xiao Lingzhi nodded: "I can only take pictures while wearing a mask."

Xiao Jinzi giggled: "It's okay, we took off our masks in the toilet to take pictures."

Xiao Lingzhi stretched out her hand and pinched her nose, "What's so good about the toilet!"

Xiao Jinzi smirked: "I think the toilet is so clean and the light is good, it looks better than taking pictures outside!"

Xiao Lingzhi nodded: "That's true."

The three cubs were taking pictures in the toilet, and they were very enthusiastic about taking pictures.


Jin Yin waited outside the toilet for a long time, but did not see the three cubs coming out, thinking that he had lost them.

There were too many people just now, they chased them separately, only Jin Yin chased in the right direction.

But he is a man, so it is really not easy for him to enter the women's toilet.

After waiting for a while, I saw Shengnan and Chen Han running over.

Jin Yin: "Shengnan, go in and have a look, are they in there?"

Katsuo nodded and went into the toilet.

Katsuo: "..."

I saw three little cubs standing around the washbasin, holding their mobile phones high and patting them.

Katsuo didn't disturb their "excitement", came in quietly, and left quietly.

Jin Yin: "Is it inside?"

Katsuo nodded.

Jin Yin frowned: "It's been a long time. Is this...constipation? Or is it a bad stomach?"

Katsuo laughed and said, "I'm taking pictures."

"Taking pictures?" Jin Yin was taken aback.

Chen Han laughed: "I really know how to play."


The three cubs have seen the charm of the ancient imperial palace, and they meet to climb the Great Wall tomorrow morning.

When you come to the capital, you must climb the Great Wall!

"Is the Great Wall really ten thousand miles?" Little Jinzi asked curiously.

Little Lingzhi nodded proudly: "Yes! Of course!"

Little Taotie checked it on his mobile phone and replied: "21196.18 kilometers!"

Xiao Jinzi's eyes were bright, full of admiration: "That's amazing!"

She touched her calf, hesitated: "At first, I wanted to say that I would go all over the Great Wall, but now... I dare not, it's a bit long."

Xiao Taotie and Xiao Lingzhi laughed loudly, Xiao Lingzhi flipped through the photos taken today, and said with a smile, "Let's just take pictures."

Little Taotie: "As much as you can walk."

Xiao Jinzi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, really afraid that they would drag him along many, many ways.

In fact, I have walked a lot today, and my calves are so sore!
Seeing her pinching her calves, Little Taotie reacted and asked, "Tired from walking today?"

Little fat man Xiao Jinzi immediately shook his head: "No, I'm not tired!"

Little Taotie saw that her mouth was stiff, so he didn't say anything, but pinched her with his hands, and Xiao Lingzhi pinched her other leg.

Feeling the care of the two young ladies, Xiao Jinzi smiled happily.

The three cubs turned off the lights and went to bed very early, preparing for climbing the Great Wall tomorrow morning, and recharging their energy to climb the Great Wall.

Dawn broke and the alarm clock rang.

Little Taotie got up first, and woke up the two little friends one by one.

"Get up quickly, we are going to climb the Great Wall! Hurry up!"

Little Jinzi got up with his head on the chicken nest, and Xiao Lingzhi got up with half-closed eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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