Chapter 1023 Only One Can Be Taken Back

When the little girl saw her mother, she didn't say anything about what happened in the courtyard. She just gave the money bag to her mother and told her and her younger brother to find a place to settle down, live a good life, and wait for her father to return from the battlefield with peace of mind.

When the fifteen girls returned to the courtyard, they saw two strong men holding big knives standing behind the white-faced and beardless middle-aged man. The strong men stepped forward and beheaded the four girls without saying a word.

In the blink of an eye, there were four more corpses on the ground, dripping with blood, and they were dead.

The remaining eleven girls were trembling, not daring to speak out, not even daring to cry.

The two strong men wiped the blood off the blade with white handkerchiefs, and returned behind the white-faced, beardless middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man with white face and beardless asked playfully: "Do you know why they died?"

Eleven girls bowed their heads, and no one dared to answer.

"No one can answer?" The middle-aged man with a white face and beardless chuckled: "If anyone can answer correctly, I will send someone to give her family a house."

As soon as this remark came out, several girls raised their heads.

The money in the purse is only enough to rent a house to settle down, and it is impossible to buy a house in the city.

This is a great temptation.

Someone started to answer, but the bull's head was wrong.

Just when the white-faced and beardless middle-aged man gradually lost interest and didn't want to listen any more, Xiao Taotie raised his head and said in a weak voice, "Because they talk a lot and told their family what they saw here, and now they If you die, their family members will also be killed by you."

"Yo!" The white-faced, beardless middle-aged man's eyes lit up, and he looked at the shortest little girl standing at the end as if looking at a rare treasure.

"You do have an exquisite heart with seven apertures."

"I haven't." Little Taotie's voice was muffled.

"It's a compliment, you look unhappy?"

"The exquisite heart of Qiqiao will be dug out by Daji. I don't want it. Dad told the story of the crime of being pregnant. I know that if you praise me, these sisters will be jealous of me, and then I will be isolated by them and will become poor."

"Pfft!" The middle-aged man with a white face and beardless laughed loudly: "Interesting and interesting, what a funny little girl!"

He stopped laughing, his eyes swept over the other ten girls one by one, and asked, "Will you isolate her?"

The ten girls pursed their lips, but no one spoke.

More or less, there is some anger in my heart.

The youngest and the shortest, but he got rewards, answered the questions, was praised, and made his family follow suit.

Everyone thought: I don't know what others think, but I don't want to talk to her.

Everyone thought so, as the little girl guessed, she would be isolated.

The white-faced and beardless middle-aged man took in all their expressions, and suddenly his face darkened, and his voice was gloomy: "Originally, when I come out this time, I can only take one girl back."

The ten girls showed terrified expressions.

"I wanted to take another look at the beginning, but I don't need it now." He winked at the two strong men.

The two drew their swords again.

Little Taotie's eyes were only red, blood red.

The screams in her ears stopped, and she was a little stunned.

A big hand touched her head, and she slowly raised her head.

"Little girl, you are very lucky."

she does not know.

There is only hope in life.

I only know that I survived, my mother survived, and my younger brother survived.

In the middle of the night, the carriage set off and left the city.

The little girl's mother and younger brother also got a house and settled down in this city.

(End of this chapter)

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