Chapter 1024

Time flies like a white horse, and the world is like a white cloud and a dog.

The general who returned from the great victory returned to his hometown, but saw a desolation.

Back to the old house, the house was damaged and uninhabited for a long time.

After searching in the house for a long time, I wiped off the thick dust on the wooden table, and saw the words my daughter carved on it.

His daughter was enlightened at the age of three. He taught her how to read, but after only one year of teaching, he went to serve in the military. The daughter didn't know many characters. The characters carved on it were crooked and missing strokes, but as a father, he still read understood.

Hungry, go, city, live.

With a few words, he roughly guessed what happened.

He went to the fields and found that all the fields were parched.

There was a famine, and in order to survive, the family left and became refugees, wanting to go to the city to beg for life.

He rode on a steed and galloped all the way to the next city.

Sadness appeared in the eyes of the soldiers following him.

I have already been to several cities, but I have not seen the relatives of the general, it may have already been...

They inquired every time they entered a city, and learned that in the year of the famine, many refugees wanted to enter the city. Some cities opened their gates, but they could not get food when they entered the city. Those refugees gathered and started to rob things. As a result, the gates of the city were closed, and refugees were not allowed to enter the city.

Those refugees who were slow on their way were all killed by the refugees in front of them. They couldn't even enter the city, and basically died outside the city.

That year, many, many people died, and the mass graves outside the city were smelly and filled with corpses.

"General, don't..." I found it.

The soldiers tried to persuade them, but facing the bloodshot eyes of the general, they couldn't say some words, and finally had to swallow them.

When the general came to the mass grave, he was actually a little desperate, trying to find the bodies of his family members here, at least collect them for them.

Can't find anything.

The living could not be found.

There was no dead body to be found.

But hope was ignited in his heart. If he didn't find the body, it meant that maybe... maybe he was still alive.

But how could the weak woman back then, with a six-year-old daughter and a three-year-old boy, survive in such a difficult environment?

"We should go back..." the soldier reminded.

There is a time limit for coming out to find relatives this time, and it's time to go back to guard the frontier.

The general laughed sadly: "I defended the country, but I couldn't protect my family!"

At the next table, the two were chatting about the past, about the refugees who were locked outside the city gate, they were not human, they were so hungry that they started killing each other and eating...

The general stood up abruptly and slammed the table hard.

The already dilapidated table was torn apart by him.

The people at the table were startled and wanted to run away, but were arrested by the general.

"Say, what else do you know!"

"We... we just heard."


The two trembled, and finally said what they knew.

It turned out that the two of them used to be guards of the city, so they could see clearly what was going on outside the city gate.

From their mouths, the general learned that someone had gone out of the city to take away girls under the age of ten, saying that they bought them back to be maids.

"Why can this person bring people into the city? Who is he, what is his identity?"

"This...we don't know."

"What about those who are alive?"

"All dead."

"Dead?" The general was unsteady and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, the soldiers around him supported him.

"Those people disappeared, and there was a stench in the courtyard they left behind. When I went in to check, I found that there were girls' bodies inside."

(End of this chapter)

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