Chapter 1025
The general found Sanjin compound, but couldn't find any clues. He didn't know where those people came from and where they went.

The insiders said that those girls were all killed, that those people were murderers who took pleasure in killing girls under the age of ten.

The government also investigated for a period of time back then, but they couldn't find any clues for a long time, and finally let it go.

Including the relatives of those girls, those who followed into the city, also died.

"By the way, one family seems to be alive!" Suddenly someone recalled.

"Alive? Where is it!"

The general came to the alley with a mighty force, and saw a woman coming out head-on, her appearance was too familiar.

"My lady!" The general was so excited that his legs went numb, he stood there and dared not go forward, for fear that this was just his hallucination.

The general returns, but the old man is still there.

The two hugged each other, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Until the young man in green shirt came back and called out, "Mother."


When the general learned about the events of the year from his wife and children, he felt chills in his heart. If the daughter hadn't betrayed herself, the whole family would not be able to enter the city, and would have died outside the city. The young couple would have become dinner on the plate.

Terrible, people are so hungry, they are so frenzied.

He checked the bones of that year, there were fourteen of them, and one person was missing, who should be his daughter.

The daughter is still alive.

There is hope in life!

We must find her!

The general went to the palace to face the saint, but he saw the singing and dancing in the palace peacefully, unaware of the turmoil outside.

He meets the young little princess.

The little princess was unruly and willful, the snack brought by the maid had hardened after being left for a long time, she took a bite and spit it out on the ground, scolding the maid aggressively.

The little princess is very round, and at first glance she looks delicious and delicious, and she has been pampered with a body of ten thousand gold.

"You, come here." The little princess held her head high, pointing her finger at the returning general without any respect.

The general stood up and looked at her silently.

"Let me ask you, is it fun outside the palace?"

The girl who grew up in the palace was like a bird imprisoned in a cage. She thought her life was miserable and wanted to fly out of the cage to see the scenery outside every day, but she didn't know that the birds outside were suffering from hunger and cold. To face the hunting of natural enemies.

"Reporting to the princess, things are not going well outside the palace. Natural disasters and man-made disasters have made the people miserable. They can't afford food and starve to death."

"Can't afford food? Then why don't you eat meat? You can also eat fruit to satisfy your hunger."

Hearing this, the general looked sad.

When he was a child, he only listened to stories, but it turned out that there was nothing wrong with it.

The story is: There was a famine one year, and the people had no food to eat, so they could only dig grass roots and eat bark, and many people starved to death.

The news was quickly reported to the palace. Emperor Hui of Jin sat on the high throne and listened to the minister's report, and was greatly puzzled.

The "kind" Emperor Hui of Jin said: "The people have no corn to satisfy their hunger, so why don't they eat minced meat?" (The people are hungry and have no rice to eat, why don't they eat meat porridge?)

Looking at the child in front of him, this man of gold in the palace, the general suddenly burst into laughter.

The little princess (Little Jinzi) wondered: "What are you laughing at?"

The general took off his helmet, took off his armor on the spot, still laughed, and shed two lines of tears while smiling.

"Weichen, disarm and return to the fields."

From now on, there will be one less general in this world, and one more grand-rogue.

The grand thieves robbed the rich and helped the poor, and won the hearts of the people.

In the teahouse, the old man had a sore throat and coughed continuously, and the young girl (Little Ganoderma lucidum) stepped forward: "I will speak for my grandfather, and I hope everyone can join in!"

The boy's voice was clean and crisp, and he spoke clearly, talking about the story of the robber who robbed the rich and gave to the poor, and took the head of the corrupt official...

(End of this chapter)

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