The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1026 The world doesn't need grand thieves anymore

Chapter 1026 The world doesn't need grand thieves anymore
Following the storytelling content of the little girl, in the movie screen, there are scenes of the male protagonist becoming a grand thief after being disarmed and returning to the field.

At this point, the three cubs have been completed, and the follow-up content has nothing to do with them, but the infancy of the role of Little Taotie is over, and there will be a grown-up character who will appear at the end.

In the film, spanning ten years.

Ten years later, when the hero was beheading a corrupt official, he was ambushed.

He was surrounded by ten people dressed in black, all of them were women.

The leading woman has a pair of bright eyes, looking carefully, she is very similar to the besieged male lead.

The male protagonist managed to make a gap and wanted to escape, but was stopped by the leading woman again, and the following scenes were all scenes of the two fighting each other.

The hero's sword tip lifted the woman's face scarf, revealing her face.

At this moment, the hero was stunned for a moment.

When masters compete, how can they be distracted, even a single breath is fatal.

The long sword pierced the male protagonist's heart, and the female stood proudly, looking down at him.

The male protagonist coughed up blood and clutched his wound, "Are you from the imperial court?"

Facing the dying man, the woman did not hide anything, and said coldly: "Princess's secret guard."

Thinking of the little princess he met in the palace ten years ago, the hero asked with a smile, "Why did the princess order me to be killed?"

"Although you are a grand thief, you are still a thief! Corrupt officials will be punished by the court, and the suffering people will also be helped by the court. You are not needed."

"After my death, the princess can punish the corrupt officials? Can the refugees have a place to settle down and have enough food?"

The woman was silent for a moment, then said: "His Royal Highness guessed that you would ask, let me tell you."

"Back then you told her that things were not going well outside the palace. Natural disasters and man-made disasters made the people miserable. They couldn't afford food and starved to death. She went to see it with her own eyes and felt that the answer was naive and disappointed the general. She was dismissed and returned to the fields. I feel guilty for becoming a thief."

"She begged His Majesty to give her a title for peace."

"It will surely wipe away the guilt in my heart with a peaceful and prosperous world."

"The common people have no corn to satisfy their hunger. She learned from the book that there is a kind of food that is planted in the ground and the harvest doubles every year. It is called potatoes. His Highness sent people to sea and found this thing."

"So that's how it is." The male protagonist suddenly realized: "Is this world about to usher in a peaceful and prosperous age? Indeed, there is no need for grand thieves in a peaceful and prosperous age."

"Before I die, I want to ask you a question."

The woman was surprised: "Ask me?"

The male protagonist nodded: "Did you, when you were six years old, go south with your mother and younger brother to flee for refuge, passed by the city, but was locked outside the city gate, and in desperation, sold yourself and entered the city with your family."

The woman was stunned and lowered her eyes, "I don't remember much about what happened when I was a child, but it seems to be like this. However, I sell myself, and this life is the knife in the hands of Her Royal Highness, a shadow in the dark, and has nothing to do with the past."

"Is it you?" The male lead was in a rage, but his eyes were fixed on her, as if he wanted an answer, otherwise he would not take his last breath.

The woman hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "It's me."

"It's you..." The male protagonist smiled softly: "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive, it's good to be alive..."

"Daddy can't find you, I'm afraid... I'm afraid you're gone... It's good to be alive..." The voice gradually disappeared, and the hero closed his eyes.

The woman's subordinate looked complicated and lowered his voice: "Head, this... is this your father?"

The woman shook her head lightly: "I don't know, I can't even remember what happened before I was six years old."

"then you……"

"It doesn't matter if it's me or not. He's about to die. If I say it's me, I'm just letting him die. After all, he's a hero."

(End of this chapter)

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