Chapter 1027

The cast list appeared in the movie, and the ending song sounded.

Just when the audience watching the movie thought that the movie was ending due to the death of the hero, as the ending song played, a scene appeared on the curtain. On a thunderstorm night, the woman who was the royal guard was awakened by a nightmare.

She sat on the head of the bed, staring blankly at the rain outside the window, and murmured: "It's me."

In the dream, she saw the red-headed rope, saw the other fourteen girls who were killed, and saw a lot of the past...

The movie fast-forwards the opening scene in gray, and the subtitles come to the end, and the whole movie is really over.

If it was only at the end of the hero's death, it would give people a feeling of embarrassment, but the last scene of the movie, like a dragon wagging its tail, clicked on the beginning, and it was like a dragon finishing its eyes. Suddenly, the whole movie has a charm.

The audience who walked out of the movie theater were still wondering: "Is it her?"

"In the end, is it a dream, or a memory from the past?"

"If it's really her, did you just remember it later, or did you know her identity a long time ago?"

"If you knew your identity a long time ago, why did you kill your father yourself?"

"If you only remembered it after killing your father, do you regret it?"

There are too many questions, which makes people have endless aftertaste on this movie.

"Actually, I found such an actress with very similar eyes, so it should be to represent that this is the hero's daughter?"

"I don't know what the director and screenwriter are thinking, let's go back @them! There must be an answer!"

After watching the movie, the audience went back online and went crazy @director和screenwriter, which also made more people curious about this movie, and more people went to see this movie.

The screenwriter called the director: "You did the last scene, didn't you?"

In the plot designed by the screenwriter, if the grand rogue is killed, it will be over.

The director smiled: "Without the dragon wagging its tail and clicking the beginning, the movie would not be a complete body."

The screenwriter was helpless: "You wagging your tail are a little too chic, why don't you explain it?"

"If you have anything to say, stand up and say it clearly, and there will be no current enthusiasm."

"I also want to know, director, what exactly are you thinking? Are you really planning to make the movie a patricide ending? It's a bit... sad."

"There is no need for a grand thief in a peaceful and prosperous age. The princess turned him into a grand robber. Naturally, the princess eradicated him. The princess gave him a peaceful and prosperous future. As for the dark guard, he is a person who lives in the shadows and is also a person who helps the princess to complete the peaceful and prosperous age. "

"Just for the sake of peace and prosperity, killing your father?"

"Many things are difficult to balance. Doesn't the princess know her life experience? Will a person who has not investigated the details become the princess's secret guard? Perhaps, this is just the princess's temptation. If she doesn't kill the thief, she There is no doubt about death."

"This is even more unacceptable, killing your father in order to survive yourself?"

"It's not for living, it's for a peaceful and prosperous world. She said long ago that she doesn't remember much about what happened when she was a child, but it seems that this is the case. However, she sells herself, and this life is the knife in the hands of the princess." , shadowing in the dark, has nothing to do with the past. She has told her father that she will be a princess with a knife in her hand, shadowing in the dark, for the sake of peace and prosperity, and for the ending that father also wants."

"Hey, so I'm a screenwriter, are you a director?" The screenwriter sighed bitterly. Back then, she also applied for the director department, but she didn't pass the exam in the end, so she could only become a screenwriter.

(End of this chapter)

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