Chapter 107

broken!The life assistant wailed in his heart, wiped his sweat, and smiled awkwardly: "You heard it wrong."

"Heh!" Qin Xin didn't pursue this matter any further, the most urgent thing is to find his sister first.

Qin Xin ran faster, and the life assistant followed pantingly, and he was relieved: It's a good thing he didn't ask, I pray that he will forget about it soon!


Seeing the long whip coming, Tao Ti grabbed it in a panic, grabbed the ball of bad luck that couldn't enter the transparent cover, and threw it towards the three of them.

Next, the screen changes!

Originally, the whip was about to hit Tao Ti, but the man who was whipping the whip slipped his foot, tilted his wrist, and the trajectory of the whip changed, and he whipped towards the man holding the electric baton.

The man holding the electric baton had already opened the electric shock, and was ready to hit Tao Ti at any time. Unexpectedly, the sudden whip hit his vital parts. At this moment, he screamed in pain, and threw the electric baton in his hand into the sky. He stretched out his hand to cover his crotch, howling in pain.

The electric baton was thrown into the sky, and then fell rapidly, rotating and falling, and fell towards the man holding the sharp knife. The man wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, and it hit his forehead!
The man rolled his eyes on the spot and fainted to the ground.

I don't know whether he passed out from the pain of being hit in the forehead, or was stunned by the electric shock.

When he fell, the sharp knife in his hand flew out and shot at the man holding the whip!

The man with the whip in his hand turned around and ran away, who knew that the whip in his hand was too long and in the way, so he tripped himself and fell to the ground, and the throwing knife arrived as expected and stuck in his ass, straight Straight on top.

"Ah! ass!" the man cried.

Of the three men, one was severely wounded in the lower body, one was stabbed in the buttocks, and the other fell unconscious on the spot. It can be said that the teacher died before the victory!

Tao Ti was stunned, her small mouth opened slightly, revealing her small white teeth, her pupils dilated like a cat's pupils, full of confusion and inexplicability.

Many question marks once again appeared in Little Taotie's head.

Why didn't you fight, and you were already crying?

Bad luck, it can still be used like this?

Learned it!Amazing!

She bent her eyes, and those eyes were shining and full of smiles, like a kitten who stole a fish, cunning and full of agility.

The man holding the crotch slowed down, glared angrily at the man holding the whip, and rushed over to beat him, "You plot against me, what do you mean, you want me to kill you, see if I don't strangle you!"

"I didn't...cough cough cough...I didn't mean it!" The man was pinched so hard that he reached out and pulled out the sharp knife on his buttocks and slashed at the opponent's hand, "You're going to strangle me, let go! !"

The two of them got into a ball and wrestled on the ground.

Fatty Hei saw four of his subordinates, one defeated the other, and the three started killing each other. He felt aggrieved and angry, and looked at Tao Ti, who was still smiling, as if he saw a little monster.

He suddenly thought of something, and a chill ran down his back.

How could a child appear in the depths of this forest?
This kid actually has such great strength that his subordinates lay on the ground without any strength to fight back!

Going out to attack her with three people is obviously an absolute victory, who would have thought that the three would kill each other in such a weird way!
If this child is not weird, he doesn't believe it at all!

Could it be... a monster in the woods, really a little monster?
Thinking of the things he stole from the auction, he anxiously pulled out a pendant from his collar.

(End of this chapter)

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