Chapter 108 Colorful Monk Relic

It was a gold chain, and a transparent glass bottle was hung under the gold chain, and there were seven beads in the bottle, transparent beads of seven colors.

When the sun shines on the beads, seven rays of light are reflected, and the colors are unpredictable, including all the colors in the world. The gorgeous and gentle light makes people feel peaceful and peaceful from the bottom of their hearts.

An indescribable sense of tranquility, all the hustle and bustle seem to be farther and farther away, only the tranquility and comfort brought by the light in front of you.

Hei Fatty held up the glass bottle and yelled at Tao Ti, "The demons and ghosts quickly retreated. This is the seven-colored relic transformed by the eminent monk after he passed away. The mana is powerful! Just ask if you are afraid!"

Tao Ti: "..."

"Stupid! Get scared! Hurry up and disperse! Retreat!"

Tao Ti tilted her head, with a sincere face: "I'm not afraid at all, is this the relic? It's so beautiful!"

Is it because of this bottle of colorful relics that this person has a transparent barrier?

Then if this bottle is snatched over, will there be no transparent cover to protect him?

Bad luck will come, revenge for the little sister!

Fatty Hei looked at this little monster in disbelief, but he wasn't afraid!
"This is a relic that contains the cultivation of an eminent monk! Are you really not afraid? Believe it or not, if you touch it, your soul will fly away!"

Tao Ti blinked her eyes and shook her head: "I don't believe it at all!"

"You don't believe it?" The black fat man was so angry that smoke came out of his nostrils, "Okay, I'll show you its power!"

The fat man opened the lid of the glass bottle, put the seven relics in his palm, and slowly approached Tao Ti.

Just when Tao Ti was wondering what he was going to do, he saw him throw it in the direction of little Taotie, and shouted: "Little monster, let me go out of my mind!"

Seven relics fell towards Tao Ti's head, one hit the forehead, and the other six missed and landed on the back of the man Tao Ti was sitting on.

The relic that hit the forehead rolled down the bridge of Tao Ti's nose and landed on the man's back.

Tao Ti stretched out her hand to cover her forehead, the corners of her eyes were red.

There is a little... pain!

Seeing Tao Ti's eyes turned red, the fat black man became proud: "Don't be afraid, just wait for your soul to fly away!"

He put his hands on his hips and opened his eyes wide, as if he wanted to witness the pain of the little monster's annihilation.

Tao Ti rubbed her forehead, although it hurt a little, but compared to the strength of her mother hitting her, it was nothing at all, and the pain would disappear after a while.

She lowered her head and picked up a relic, which was a red and transparent relic, very beautiful and mysterious.

She put the relics into her pocket, one after another, carefully picked them up and hid them in her pocket.

"Little monster, what are you doing! Why are you still alive! Let go, those are mine!" Seeing that the situation was not going well, the fat man rushed over to grab the relic. Tao Ti suddenly raised his head. The black magnified, as if it contained an endless black vortex, she laughed innocently and innocently.

But in the eyes of Fatty Hei, the little monster at this moment is extremely terrifying, with dark eyes, staring at him like a god of death, and the little monster smiled strangely!
Tao Ti stretched out her small hand, holding a cloud of black-gray air in her palm, which was the remaining half of bad luck after attacking the three of them.

She tilted her little head and made a shooting motion towards the fat black man.

She seemed to be taking revenge on purpose, and the place where she hit was the fat black man's forehead.

The fat black man's eyes widened in horror, he backed up again and again, and suddenly tripped. It turned out that two scuffling men tripped him. He felt a pain in his heart, and looked down at his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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