The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 111 I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it

Chapter 111 I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it
Policeman B standing right behind Tao Ti: "..."

Originally, he came to inquire about the record, but at this moment, he paused, with an extremely embarrassed expression, and just wanted to disappear in place.

But it was too late, Tao Ti turned her head and saw him, as if she was extremely frightened, her little face turned pale.

Originally intending to open the pocket to show to the fan grandpa, Tao Ti was frightened by the police uncle, and Tao Ti lost his balance in a hurry. The movement of pressing on the pocket was too big, and a relic was squeezed out of the pocket.

The chubby rolled around on the ground and landed at Police B's feet.

The air is quiet.

Under everyone's gaze, Policeman B took off his glasses slowly, muttering: "The prescription of the glasses is wrong, I'm going to get my glasses re-fitted."

He cleverly bypassed the relics on the ground, picked up the walkie-talkie, and pretended to be talking to an unsuspecting person on the other end of the walkie-talkie: "I have too much earwax, and I need to find a Yangzhou master to dig my ears in a few days. I've been hard of hearing lately, so please speak up."

"Ah? What are you talking about, the signal is not good, just wait a moment!"

He walked faster and faster, and gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

Tao Ti blinked, trotted over to pick up the relic on the ground, wiped it clean, hid it in her pocket, and patted the pocket, "Don't run out again."

Qin Xin was shocked by the police's slapstick operation. How about cheating on children?Oh, by the way, isn't this just lying to children?
Tao Mo asked suspiciously, "Is this a relic?"

Tao Ti ran back blushing and stood beside Tao Mo, "You have to look quickly, before the police find you!"

She looked around furtively, worried that if a policeman suddenly appeared again, she might not be so lucky next time, meeting a police uncle with bad ears and bad eyesight.

Tao Mo nodded cautiously, and took a small red transparent relic. He had seen relics before, and quickly recognized that it was a genuine relic.

"Where did this come from?"

"It's my spoils! The big villain threw this at me, and I picked it up."

"He threw it on the forehead?" Qin Xin stepped forward and asked.

Tao Ti nodded and waved her hands: "It's not hurting anymore!"

She looked around furtively again, seeing no one coming, she took out all the relics in her pocket, her little hands couldn't hold them, Tao Mo helped catch them all.

"Look, how beautiful they are all in different colors!"

Xiao Tao Ti triumphantly showed off her spoils as if she was offering a treasure, but when she saw the two people in front of her, their expressions became serious.

Qin Xin said in a deep voice: "Three years ago, there was an accident in that world-class auction, and the relics of the colorful eminent monk were stolen."

Tao Mo immediately said, "The transaction price is US$7000 million."

"Did the old man go to this auction too?" Qin Xin asked.

Tao Mo nodded: "I went, I didn't buy anything, I just looked around."

Qin Xin's eyes fell on the lion-headed crutch, and he vaguely remembered seeing it before, but now that he recalled it, it was at that auction.

"The saber is hidden in the lion's head crutches. The transaction price is 2000 million. The old man is generous. This is just a casual look. If the old man really goes shopping, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money."

"This is one of my hobbies." Tao Mo was proud of himself, but his expression pretended to be a calm and carefree person.

"Sister, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep this thing." Qin Xin sighed, and had to tell Little Taotie a cruel truth.

Based on the value of this thing, it is impossible to just fool around like this and pretend it doesn't exist.

(End of this chapter)

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