Chapter 112 The Owner of the Relic
The police got the test data, which proved that it was not gypsum, but a kind of poison, which was hallucinogenic and addictive. Compared with the popular ones on the market, it was purified several times, and it could easily lead to overdose and death.

The evidence of the crime was established, and Fatty Hei and his four men could not escape the death penalty.

Hei Fatty seemed to not want to make Tao Ti feel better even if he died, so he insisted on dragging the little monster into the water, telling the police that the little monster stole his colorful relics, and suing her for robbery!
Of course, this matter cannot be filed, after all, this thing is stolen goods, and little Tao Ti is only six years old.

The police chief called Policeman B and asked, "You were at the scene at the time, did you see the relic?"

Policeman B, who is deaf and has poor eyesight, wanted to say that he hadn’t seen it, but in the end he said honestly: “I saw a child playing with marbles, and I picked them up to play because they thought it was fun, and they didn’t steal them. She doesn't know the value of this thing either."

"I will leave this matter to you. You must come here and return it to the owner."


Policeman B scratched his head, feeling that this job was too difficult.

"Can I change someone, actually..." He was awkward, and whispered: "I am a fan of the No. 3 video. I like the Little Mermaid Tao Tao very much. I can't force her. I will add personal emotions. You should change someone Come on! Lead!"

"What's the mess? You young people always like some weird things, and you are not fans, but I like to eat spicy fans!" The boss gave him an angry look. , unlike our generation, who do not need to be arranged by the superiors, but rush to work!"

Policeman B muttered in a low voice: "If I really rush to work, maybe you will always think that I am disorganized and disciplined, and I am not a good comrade."

"What are you mumbling about?"

"No! Didn't say anything!"

The boss took a sip of tea and said helplessly, "I can still satisfy your personal wishes. Since you don't want to go, I'll send someone else to go."

Policeman B was very grateful, and said a lot of nice words, and just about to go out, he heard the boss behind him calling to stop him.

Policeman B looked back in a daze, and heard his boss cough dryly, looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Video No. 3, where can I watch it?"

Policeman B was stunned for a moment, and hurried forward, took out his mobile phone, and showed off his treasured video No. 3, "Look, my little glutton is so powerful, he punched through a boat!"

The boss watched with gusto, when suddenly someone knocked on the door, the boss changed his face 180 degrees, and shouted loudly: "It's not proper to play around during working hours! Well, since you don't want to do it, I'll arrange someone else to do it, you go out!" Who, please come in!"

Policeman B: "..."

Policeman B went out depressed, and saw a peerless beauty standing at the door.

This temperament is also very noble!
It is rich and expensive at first glance!

When passing by, you can still smell the delicate, comfortable fragrance, not the smell of perfume, but the smell of sandalwood.

"Hello, I'm Gu Lanxin. I heard that the relics of the seven-colored eminent monk who were stolen from the auction three years ago have been recovered, so I'm here to take a look."

"Hello, hello, are you the owner?" The boss greeted enthusiastically, and told the policeman B who walked outside the door: "Hurry up and pour tea!"

Policeman B: "..."


Pouring tea for a beautiful lady is also a beautiful job!
"It's like this. The thief has been captured. It's just that something went wrong. The colorful relics are not in the hands of the police."

(End of this chapter)

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