Chapter 1129 Strong is the most beautiful

The 16-year-old girl has a fat body. She used to be a smashing child star. Many people expected her to grow up. Many directors had verbally agreed with her to let her play the heroine when she grew up.

She stood on the scale and the number soared to: 188
Desperate, she reached for a bottle of sleeping pills.

She never thought that the fans who liked her when she was a child, who had one daughter after another, were the ones who hurt her the most. They were extremely disappointed in her, and turned from loyal fans to black fans, slandering her everywhere.

In fact, being bullied by the Internet can't hurt her at all, and it won't lose a piece of meat.

She rarely looked at her mobile phone, and gradually faded out of the entertainment circle, thinking that if she did not enter the entertainment circle, she would be forgotten.

But the former agent approached her, only to find out that the contract signed back then was the overlord's contract, even if her image was ruined after she grew up, it was a breach of contract and she had to pay liquidated damages.

Her parents bought a house with the money she earned from her childhood smash hit. Now she has made a lot of money, but they can’t afford to pay for it all. Her parents can only go to other places to work and leave her to go to boarding school alone.

In the boarding school, she got good grades, she was a little fatter, and it didn't hinder anyone. Because she studied well, everyone would talk to her and ask her some questions. We got along very well, but I don't know who it is, I know She was the former child star.

Later, news spread in the school...

Most of this group of people grew up watching her dramas, and some of them regarded her as Bai Yueguang in childhood, as a goddess, and when they suddenly saw a big fat man, their dreams were shattered, and they took revenge on her now.

Her life in the dormitory has also become difficult. If she reads late at night, she will be scolded and told to turn off the lights, and they will occupy the toilet. Forced her to drop out of school.

She went to tell the teacher, hoping that the teacher would help her, but the teacher said indifferently: "You can't make a slap, and you have to find your own problems."

Looking for your own problems?
What's wrong with me?
Is it just a matter of flesh?

What overwhelmed her in the end was the phone call from her parents. Because she was working outside and her parents lived in different places, they both had an affair and decided to divorce!
All the people whose father cheated on them were five months pregnant!

The mother seemed not to be outdone, and after the divorce, she also became pregnant.

In this way, she becomes redundant.

Her name is Li Yule, and I hope she will be happy for the rest of her life.

But at this moment, she felt extremely ironic, as if she was doomed at the moment of birth, she was the redundant one.

Fans turning black, classmates disgusting, parents abandoning her, crushed her bit by bit...

She opened the cap of the sleeping pills and was about to pour the whole bottle down. The morning news that was being played ended, and a little girl appeared in the camera waving her fists. The little girl was extremely beautiful, with a pair of beautiful eyes like stars in the sky. , as fascinating as the stars and the sea, she gradually put down the sleeping pills in her hand.

She murmured in a low voice: "Little Taotie should be very popular, right? Just like me back then, he is a very popular child star, right?"

"It's not good to be famous early..." Tears rolled down her face, "Little Taotie, when you grow up, you must always be beautiful, you can't be like can't be so ugly and fat..."

Her whispering was interrupted by the little milk voice on the TV: "We need to become stronger, only when we are strong can we protect ourselves! We can't be skinny and fall down when the wind blows!"

She was stunned for a while, a little dazed, but suddenly she didn't want to die, stood up, and punched together with the little Taotie on the TV screen...

(End of this chapter)

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