Chapter 1130
The elders of the country were very surprised. Little Taotie donated the head of a rabbit, which led many people to study, and finally collected all the twelve zodiac signs. You must know that they have been searching for almost ten years before this, but they have not found many.

Immediately afterwards, it was Xiao Taotie's anti-fraud filming, which made the old people become masters in anti-fraud, and some old people were even so good that they even deceived the scammers!

In addition to these, Xiao Taotie's morning exercise now adjusts the national aesthetics in a few words!
In fact, the national aesthetics has always been very tiring.

Because of the aesthetic trends in the early years overseas, the aesthetic values ​​of the Chinese people have also deviated.

In the past, the domestic beauty was that the guy who did the most work was the best, the guy with the strongest body was the best, and the girl whose body was well-proportioned and healthy was the best, and every family rushed to marry in.

Today, 30 years later, in the early years, thinness was the beauty, and the best models in the O continent country are like paper people. The gym has become a daily check-in for citizens. Eating too much is never a worry. Men think that their muscles are not strong enough. Women People dislike skinny people with no buttocks and breasts. They need to eat more meat and increase fat accumulation in order to make their figure more bumpy, healthier and more beautiful!
But today's Huaguo is following the thinking of the paper people in Ozhou, thinking that the thinner the more beautiful, even the photogenic male stars are chanting slogans all day long to lose weight and lose weight, instead of fitness to be strong, to have more men taste!Just to be thinner and look more elegant and beautiful...

In order to lose weight, women are even crazier. They are desperate to lose weight, suffer from malnutrition, and use extreme methods...

In fact, you don’t need to look at the present-day Huaguo. You only need to look at the “country that lives a good life” and the “country where everything is our country”, and you can initially see how terrible the disadvantages of using thinness as beauty are.

But if the elders come forward to take care of these issues, they will be rumored...

Too many problems, they can't stop directly.

Who would have thought that today, Xiao Taotie's simple words changed most people's minds.

It's wrong to think thin is beautiful.

It is also wrong to regard fat as beauty.

True beauty should be healthy.

You can't go on a hunger strike because you want to be thin, and you can't overeat because you want to be fat.

Nowadays, the idea that thinness is considered beautiful has changed, but the ethos of cafeterias in various colleges and universities may have entered into a misunderstanding, just like a certain dynasty many years ago, it seemed that fat was considered beautiful.

The elders are holding a meeting now because they want to meet Little Taotie, and want her to elaborate on some remarks.

For example, being strong is not being fat, but being properly strong and exercising is for healthier.

A well-proportioned body is the real health and beauty.

On this day, Xiao Taotie was invited to a meeting hall. The little girl didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and she jumped in through the door. Embarrassed, "Did I... go to the wrong place?"

A few old men couldn't hold back the seriousness on their faces, they almost laughed out loud, and the little Taotie peeked over...

so many flowers...

From Xiao Taotie's perspective, the meeting hall is already blooming with a sea of ​​flowers...

Although there are still a few old people who are quite serious, Xiao Taotie is not intimidated anymore, Xiao Lidi sinks quietly, showing a shy smile, and a shy blush climbs up on the white and tender little face.

Hee hee, grandpas like me very much!

(End of this chapter)

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