Chapter 1131

It's just the same as grandpa's head, it looks fierce!

Hee hee hee……

"Come and sit." An old man couldn't help laughing, and stopped sullenly, motioning for the little Taotie to sit beside him.

The little girl sat alone on the big chair, making the whole little group even smaller.

"Your speech needs to be corrected." A stern old man entered the topic in a cold voice.

Little Taotie blinked, staring at the wildly swinging sunflower above his head with big eyes.

How did the old man manage to have such a stinky face while the flowers dance so happily?
The little girl was very puzzled, and just stared at him with big blank eyes.

The old man let out a dry cough and almost couldn't hold back, but he still maintained a cold face and tried to speak seriously: "Everything should be in moderation, such as eating, such as weight."

Little Taotie touched his stomach, "I... eat a lot, and I can't always get enough."

"Ahem, there are always exceptions." The old man tried to keep a straight face: "We can't let everyone eat as much as you do."

Little Taotie was puzzled and tilted his head to look at him.

What are the grandparents going to say?

Can I control how much I eat?

Do not understand.

The little girl's eyes became more bewildered and puzzled.

"Let me say it!" A very shrewd old man said, "You are a public figure, and everything you say has a certain influence."

Little Taotie nodded half understanding.

Brother Chen Zi told her not to talk casually, but to think about it before speaking.

Brother Chen Zi said that many things may be said unintentionally, but fans will listen very carefully, so as a star, you must speak very seriously and not talk nonsense.

The old man continued: "When you exercise in the morning, you tell your fans that you need to eat more to get stronger, and your fans become one after another."

Little Taotie: "..." Am I... so powerful?
Seeing the little girl's eyes widened with shock, the old man smiled and said, "Don't underestimate your own influence."

The stern-faced old man said: "There are quite a few people who can't eat enough to force themselves into the hospital."

Little Taotie: "..." Everyone... you are working so hard!
Seeing that she didn't know what was wrong, the stern-faced old man snorted, "Waste food!"

Little Taotie blinked, and the little milk's voice was soft: "If you eat it in your stomach, how can it be considered a waste of food?" This grandpa is so strange!What is thrown away is waste, right?

"Obviously you don't need to eat so much, why do you have to fight hard, and it turns into shit in the end? Isn't it just a waste! We were so miserable back then, we couldn't eat enough, young people just didn't have a hard life, so we should practice more and drill them bibibibi ..."

Before the old-fashioned old man could speak, another bald old man spoke, chanting endlessly.

The old man sitting next to him pushed him, "Are you still in menopause? You can't stop nagging!"

The bald old man curled his lips and didn't speak again.

The old-fashioned old man said coldly: "Speaking harshly is not rude. It is indeed a wasteful behavior to hold on when you are full."

Little Taotie pointed her fingers right, and her voice was soft: "Is it my fault?"

The old people were silent for a moment, and the shrewd old man said tactfully: "We didn't say it was your fault, but we hope you can help us change the current situation."

The bald old man snorted twice: "Tell them not to hold on when they are full, think about the people outside who can't eat enough!"

The old man sitting next to him sighed and clicked on the slideshow.

"Little Taotie, take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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