Chapter 1136
Nie Qing thought that the little girl beside her would be scared, but when she looked down, there was no fear in the little girl's eyes, but an excited expression appeared!

"You don't... want to go down?"

The little glutton was giggling, the little dimple was deep, and the little brain had already figured it out: there are so many chocolates and candies, you can eat it for a long time...

Hua Jinyan saw the eagerness in Xiao Taotie's eyes, and chuckled lightly: "I'll accompany you."

Nie Qing: "..."

This brat didn't stop him, but even indulged him!
This is if you play wild, I will accompany you with wine?

Nie Qing grabbed the back collars of the two cubs, and took out the posture of an elder: "It's too dangerous. If it is really the tomb of an ancient emperor, there are many traps, and we can't break it by force."

"We're just catching Ah Piao." Little Taotie pouted, "It's not a grave robber."

Hua Jin said: "We will not go into the water."

Nie Qing frowned: "Not going into the water?"

Hua Jinyan nodded: "They will come up by themselves."

"No, how could it be—"

Nie Qing's voice stopped abruptly, and Hua Jinyan took off the colorful relic bracelet, and the originally calm lake suddenly boiled, and bubbles appeared one after another.

Groups of Ah Piao floated out of the water...

Looking around, it was dark and gray, almost covering the entire lake.

The vortex in the lake reappeared, and after the blue-faced, fang-toothed evil spirit appeared, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a large piece of wraith, opening his mouth to wantonly devour it.

Little Taotie was furious: "Hua Jinyan, it robbed me of candy!"

Hua Jinyan looked at the evil spirit with cold eyes. The evil spirit seemed to sense danger from this look, and the next moment her body floated up. Maybe because she swallowed too many spirit bodies, she turned into a ghost king in the next moment.

The evil spirit with a blue face and fangs, who looked like a beast, put on a decent palace dress the next moment, and turned out to be a noble concubine of high rank.

Her face was still black and blue, but her figure could be seen, she was a plump beauty.

Nie Qing: "It looks like he was poisoned to death. The poison is really powerful. It makes people turn blue and unrecognizable after death. Even if they become a spirit body, they are still so ugly."

Little Taotie could see that the evil thoughts and resentments in this imperial concubine, A Piao, were intertwined. At first it should be a resentful spirit, and then swallowed many spirits and turned into an evil spirit.

Should also be a poor man.

Little Taotie was curious about her past, and her white and fleshy little hands caught a trace of resentment...

Concubine A Piao felt that her strength was being cut again, and when she turned her head, her black face turned even darker, her eyes fixed on the little Taotie, as if she was about to tear the little Taotie apart with her eyes.

Little Taotie already has a "fur ball" the size of a fist in his hand, and scenes of pictures appear on it...

The father of this imperial concubine was a third-rank official. When the old emperor was in her 40s, she entered the palace. She was a young girl at the time. Naturally, the old emperor loved her very much. Promoted to imperial concubine.

She has always wanted to have a child, and once she is pregnant with a child, she will be more expensive than a mother.

The eldest princes are already married and have children, and the older princes don't want the little prince to appear in the palace again, so they secretly inserted the nanny next to the young beautiful girls. drug.

The imperial concubine was unable to conceive a child for a long time, and the imperial physicians in the palace said that she was fine, but in fact they knew it well and lied to her.

Later, she received the grace of God and went out of the palace to visit her seriously ill mother. The doctor at home took her pulse and found out that she was suspicious, and found that she had been given infertility drugs early.

From then on, resentment grew in her heart, her personality became weird and distorted, and she beat or scolded the maids.

(End of this chapter)

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