Chapter 1137

She committed murder before she was alive, and there are too many people who hated her. When the old emperor was alive, someone protected her. When the old emperor died, she had no heirs, so she should be buried with her. But her father has become a first-rank official. Despite all his efforts, he actually saved her.

Originally, she could leave the palace after packing up her things, but a young eunuch brought someone over to stop her, and forcibly poured poison on her.

Those eunuchs were all eunuchs who had been beaten and scolded by her, and among the leading eunuchs, a little Qingmei entered the palace and became a young talent, so he became a eunuch and entered the palace, but that young talent was favored by the emperor However, the reason why she was favored was that she was somewhat similar in appearance to the imperial concubine.

When the emperor came to see the imperial concubine, he said inadvertently: "There is a young man who is somewhat similar to you when you were young..."

These words made the imperial concubine very angry.

Are you dead?Need a substitute?
What does it mean to be somewhat similar to when you were young?Does this mean that she is old now?

She didn't dare to get angry with the emperor, so she vented her anger on the young man and called the young man to serve her tea.

Deliberately pouring hot water over the teacup.

The young talented man stretched out his hand, which was extremely hot, but he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he could only pick up the teacup regardless of the burn, but the imperial concubine suddenly shook her hand, and the whole cup of hot tea was poured on the young talented man's face.

That face, which was somewhat similar to the imperial concubine's, was ruined ever since.

The old emperor was a little angry, but he just criticized the noble concubine and ordered her to confine her for a few days, but that little talent was completely ruined.

The young talent was unhappy, and soon passed away.

The little eunuch took revenge for Xiao Qingmei and poured hot tea on the face of the poisoned imperial concubine...

That's why, even if she becomes an evil spirit, she still has a blue-black ugly face beyond recognition.

The little Taotie looked at the noble concubine A Piao in disbelief, frowned, and said fiercely, "You are so vicious!"

Little Taotie would sometimes accompany the stylist sister to watch Gongdou dramas. At that time, he thought that Gongdou dramas were just made up, but he didn't expect it to be true!
"Hehe..." The imperial concubine A Piao sneered, her eyes fixed on the little girl's beautiful face.

"What a beautiful little face..."

"Why don't you tear it off and give it to me!"

She is a faceless evil spirit, desperately longing to have a beautiful face.

The bloodshot eyes fixed on the little Taotie's face, as if he wanted to cut off the little Taotie's face with his eyes!

Little Taotie clenched his fists and said angrily, "You don't know how to repent even after you die! Hmph, I want to eat you!"

Little Taotie rushed over, a golden light appeared on the soles of his feet.

The imperial concubine's evil spirit was in the vortex in the middle of the lake. She stepped on the heads of Ah Piao and rushed over, like a brave little soldier.

A gleam of starlight and golden light appeared on her fist.

Concubine A Piao subconsciously sensed the danger, and was about to retreat into the vortex again as before.

"Definitely!" Hua Jinyan said.

The imperial concubine A Piao widened her ferocious eyes in horror, those dark eyes with red threads seemed to fall out of their sockets.

She is pinned!
The evil thoughts on her body became more and more intense, the wisps of gray and black entangled smoke actually tended to materialize, and the entanglement of resentment and evil thoughts turned into a big hand grabbing the little Taotie.

Little Taotie snorted coldly, his small face was serious and cold, and his big palm was broken with one fist!
The little man's fist hit the evil spirit's hideous and terrifying blue-black face!

(End of this chapter)

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