The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1142 Fear of snakes, insects, rats and ants

Chapter 1142 Fear of snakes, insects, rats and ants

With this episode, everyone is more cautious.

No one knows whether they will accidentally touch the trap in the next moment, or whether the head will have time to save people.

Now the situation is only on the periphery of the underground palace, and the danger will be doubled in the depths.

Some people even breathe very lightly, including Chen Zi.

Little Taotie felt sweaty palms, and tilted his head to look at Chen Zi, "Brother Chen Zi, your hands are sweating a lot."

Chen Zi smiled forcedly: "I'm a little flustered."

"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you!" The little Taotie patted his chest, and the little man made a very reliable appearance, imitating Shen Cang's usual straight face, serious and serious. serious.

Chen Zi exhaled lightly.

During the days when he joined the special department, he always had a feeling of staying out of it and being dispensable, probably because he had never participated in the mission, and he didn't even really regard himself as a member of the special department.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was too weak, so weak that even walking and panting had to be cautious and frightened.

The concept of becoming stronger emerged in his mind, but quickly turned into a daze.

Everyone walked forward in silence, according to what Shen Cang said, bypassing traps everywhere, half an hour passed, it has been very smooth, and there is no danger for the time being.

But half an hour later, the situation appeared frequently.

Shen Cang asked everyone to hold their breath for 30 seconds, but someone always took a breath accidentally, and the next step was rescue, falling into chaos.

After finally passing the poisonous gas area, when the snakes, rats and ants crawled out, some big men screamed.

Little Taotie grabbed a snake by seven inches with one hand, his small face was full of bewilderment: "It is so small, why should we be afraid?"

For humans, snakes are indeed small in size.

But the speed of the snake is fast, and the poison in the fangs can kill people in an instant, and the sense of fear far exceeds its own size.

A few beast masters from the special department also came, and immediately used their own skills to hypnotize the poisonous scorpions, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders and other poisonous substances here, and the poisonous substances lay motionless on the ground.

Shen Cang ordered everyone to step on the poison, and there was no other place to step on it, so they had to step on it.

Some people worry that the moment they step on it, those things will wake up and bite themselves, and they dare not step on it for a long time.

The beast masters have repeatedly emphasized that they will not wake up, but some people are still afraid.

Shen Cang didn't want to kill all these poisons at first, because he didn't know if the next level would be more sad after killing them, but seeing these worthless guys were scared, he had no choice but to take action.

A talisman flew out and turned into flames. Where the flames licked, the snakes, insects, rats and ants on the ground were turned into ashes.

Shen Cang said with a cold face, "Can we go now?"

Everyone hurriedly caught up with Shen Cang. Shen Cang's steps were very big, and it seemed that every step was full of anger.

Everyone dared not speak out, knowing that their heads were trying to suppress their temper.

Only the little Taotie, who is not afraid of death, sniffed: "It's a pity, the snake is delicious when grilled."

Shen Cang: "..." The little guy's thoughts are always very clear!
Little Taotie held Chen Zi's hand tightly: "Brother Chen Zi, your face is so pale!"

Could it not be for nothing, he has never seen so many snakes in his life!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zi forced a smile: "I'm fine."

Shen Cang glanced at him indifferently, knowing that he was wrong, and said coldly: "Go back, you all need special training."

Hearing the word special training, the old employees of the special department trembled in their hearts.

Chen Zi heard gasping sounds behind him, looked back and saw several of them were pale and their lips were trembling, and realized that the "special training" must be terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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