The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1143 The little father-in-law leading the way

Chapter 1143 The little father-in-law leading the way
There was a stone door in front of him, Mo Haihao tried to push the door with his hands, but Shen Cang stretched out his hand to stop him, "Poisonous."

Startled, Mo Haihao quickly withdrew his hand.

Little Taotie looked around, trying to find the A Piao who had sunk into the palace.

It has been a long time since I entered the palace under the lake, but so far I have not seen a single Apiao.

Hua Jinyan approached her and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Ah Piao, I can't see any of them. I still want to ask the way."

Hearing this, Hua Jinyan silently took down the colorful relics.

After a large number of A Piao floated out of the water before, but more than half of them were killed or injured, and now they feel such an alluring aura, some A Piao still resisted to appear, but a few sporadic and stupid A Piao floated over slowly. .

Little Taotie caught one that looked a little smarter.

This is a eunuch, A Piao, wearing the clothes of a little father-in-law. It should be the father-in-law next to the emperor. The emperor died, so he was buried with him to serve the old emperor.

"Can you show us the way?" Little Taotie grabbed the little eunuch Ah Piao's braid to prevent him from running away.

Little eunuch: "..." Is there a choice?

Obviously not.

The little eunuch A Piao nodded his head resignedly.

The little eunuch Ah Piao came to a mural and pointed to the eyes of the maid on the mural.

Everyone stepped forward to observe carefully.

The eye holes are two holes, and something should be embedded in it to trigger the mechanism to open the stone door.

"Where do you want to find the mosaic?" Shen Cang asked.

The little eunuch gestured.

Shen Cang: "..."

Little Taotie acted as a little interpreter: "He said he triggered the hidden arrow, and there was a round bead on the tail feather of the hidden arrow."

That is to trigger the back arrow twice, and escape from the back arrow, and get the back arrow tail feather.

This goes back to where the big man triggers the backstab.

After finally coming here, they actually had to go back the same way. Everyone was a little speechless, but there was no other way.

Fortunately, there is a little eunuch Ah Piao this time, so this kind of oolong incident can be avoided in the future.

The luck is relatively good. This little eunuch, A Piao, was the one who handed over the blueprints of the underground imperial tomb to the old emperor. Apart from the people who built the imperial tomb, the person who knows the imperial tomb best.

When they returned to the place where the big man was, everyone saw that the big man was lying on the ground and sound asleep. He didn't dare to touch the wall, so he could only stick to the ground tightly.

Shen Cang: "..."

Shen Cang kicked him.

The big man woke up in a daze, and grinned stupidly: "Boss, why do you haunt me and torture me in my dreams?"

"Get up!" Shen Cang's voice became colder three times.

The big man shuddered and woke up suddenly.

He shivered: "Why are you back?"

Shen Cang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said coldly, "Where are the hidden arrows on the ground?"

They thought that the talisman would make the hidden arrows rotten, so when everyone left, they didn't touch the hidden arrows on the ground. They searched all the way back, but they didn't see the hidden arrows. The only possibility was that the big man put it away.

The big man scratched his head, and took out the hidden arrow wrapped in a vest bag from his backpack, "I saw something shiny at the end of the arrow, so I didn't dare to hold it with my hands, so I just wrapped it in a bag."

Hidden arrows are poisonous and should not be handled by hand.

Shen Cang glanced at him indifferently: "It's not too stupid."

Otherwise, it's time to collect the body of this stupid big man now.

Shen Cang put on a pair of special anti-virus gloves, and took out the two beads of the tail feather.

The big man rubbed his hands: "Head, can I go together?"

It's so boring here alone.

Shen Cang was indifferent: "Stay here!"

The big man said bitterly, "Yes."

Everyone went back the same way, wasting a lot of time back and forth. Shen Cang pressed two round beads into the eye sockets of the palace lady in the mural, and the green pupils radiated a faint light...

As the ground shook, the stone gate turned, opening a path only one person could pass from the side.

Shen Cang's face darkened, and he looked at the little eunuch A Piao with sharp eyes.

The little eunuch Apiao trembled, his spirit body became more transparent, and he gestured with both hands.

Xiao Taotie translated in real time: "He said that only one person can pass here, and the door will be closed when entering one person, and it can only be opened again by pressing the ball again, and the position of entry is different every time it is opened. The design at that time was to avoid Many people enter the same place to disperse grave robbers."

(End of this chapter)

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