Chapter 1144 The Royal Tomb of the Alien Domain
Only 15 people were able to follow Shen Cang here without being eliminated.

Among them, Chen Zi was fishing in troubled waters. Let him enter Shimen alone to face unknown danger, that is, death.

Shen Cang's scrutinizing eyes swept over them one by one, and said, "Chen Zi, Jiang He, Chen Hao..."

"You stay where you are."

"Others, follow me into the stone gate."

Shen Cang picked up the little Taotie, let the little girl sit in his arms, hugged Hua Jinyan with the other hand, let the little boy sit in his arms.

I have to say that the old man is in excellent health and very strong!
The two children were sitting upright in his arms, steady and steady, and the old man's steps were steady and powerful.

He took the two children sideways into the stone gate.

After he entered, the stone door swung shut, not giving the second person any chance to squeeze in.

Six people were left behind by Shen Cang's name. Excluding Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan who had already been taken away, there were still seven people who wanted to follow.

One person pressed the eyeballs of the maid on the mural, and the stone door turned. It was still only enough for one person to pass by. The person stepped in, and the door was closed immediately. After he entered, he did not see the head and the two children. Obviously, he was sent to different places.

The next six people entered the stone gate one after another, and only one person was lucky enough to meet a companion.

Chen Zi looked at the closed stone gate, and then at the eyeballs of the maid on the mural, he was a little eager to move, but he also knew that it would be stupid to really move, and it would only add to the chaos if he couldn't help with his ability.

At this moment, the idea of ​​becoming stronger became even stronger.

If he doesn't become stronger, it seems that he doesn't even have the qualifications to follow Xiao Taotie.


Shen Cang put down the two children and looked at the surrounding environment.

Little Taotie released the little eunuch A Piao who was kept in the horse-faced bell, and asked, "What is this place?"

There are golden murals on all sides, and in the middle is a coffin made of golden nanmu. The coffin is surrounded by swords and iron horses...

It looks like the tomb of a brave man who practiced martial arts, but there is another woman painted on the mural.

"It's Her Royal Highness, it's Her Royal Highness Princess Zhentian!"

There was a strong light in the eyes of the little eunuch, it was adoration and admiration, although he was Ah Piao, he still knelt down and saluted, and he was floating in mid-air to salute, which showed his respect for this person.

Little Taotie translated the words of the little eunuch to Shen Cang in real time.

Shen Cang nodded: "I did hear that."

Maybe the little eunuch was too excited, so the soul fluctuation was very strong at that time.

"Zhentian... a princess can get such a title?" Shen Cang was a little surprised.

He is erudite and knowledgeable, but he never knew that there was such a princess in history.

The little eunuch stared at the coffin obsessively, "His Royal Highness is capable of both literature and martial arts. She put on armor and went to the battlefield. The enemy troops she killed were retreated, and she dared not make unreasonable demands for her marriage..."

Little Taotie tilted his head: "Is there such a powerful princess in history?"

Shen Cang frowned.

There is no such princess in history.

If such a princess exists, this title alone is enough for future generations to remember, and it is impossible to have no impression at all.

Then there is only one possibility, this a secret realm?

Alien domain!
A secret realm of the royal tomb from outside!
Shen Cang suppressed the doubts in his heart, opened his mouth to test the little eunuch, and asked some historical things.

Little Taotie translates in real time.

After a series of clichés, Shen Cang became more certain that this does not belong to any dynasty on Blue Star, it is a foreign domain.

Maybe it was an imperial tomb on a certain planet, which formed a meteorite and landed on the blue star.

It's just that it has come for too long, so long that every tomb robber or archaeologist thinks that this is an imperial tomb belonging to a certain dynasty in history, and they never thought it was a foreign land.

Shen Cang walked towards the coffin made of golden nanmu, and gently put his hands on it with anti-virus gloves, intending to push the coffin lid open.

The little eunuch screamed. Originally, it was just a spirit body with no resentment and no evil. In an instant, resentment and evil thoughts intertwined and surged, "Don't move the coffin of Her Highness the Princess!"

Resentment and evil thoughts lashed out like vines, Shen Cang reacted quickly enough to dodge, otherwise his entire arm might be pulled off shoulder-to-shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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