Chapter 1146 Find the missing archaeologist
Little Taotie raised his head to meet Shen Cang's thoughtful eyes, spread out his small hands, and passed the comb over. Shen Cang reached out to take it, but suddenly a golden light flashed, and Shen Cang's fingertips were scalded, and instantly blistered.

"Grandpa head!"

"It's okay." Shen Cang touched the little Taotie's head, "It seems to recognize you, and others can't touch it."

The slap came quickly.

Hua Jinyan took the comb from Taotie's palm, but there was no golden light repelling him, and he was not burned.

Shen Cang: "..." Only for me?
While the three were studying the golden comb, the little eunuch A Piao searched among the ruins of the coffin, as if he wanted to find the noble princess.

As he searched, the resentment and evil thoughts in his body disappeared. He shed tears, and his eyes full of resentment and evil thoughts gradually became clear.

He cried: "Your Highness, are the rumors true? You... have left the palace a long time ago, and the one who stayed in the palace was just your substitute? Put the only thing you have left in the coffin..."

The little eunuch was buried with the old emperor after his death. He didn't know what happened afterwards, nor where did Her Royal Highness go. He just learned some rumors from Ah Piao who later appeared in the imperial mausoleum, but those Ah Piao Gone with the wind is not sure whether those rumors are true.

Today, there are no bones in the coffin, and this is not the place where Her Royal Highness is actually buried.

Where will Her Royal Highness be?
Or like another rumor, ascended in situ and became a fairy?
Crying and crying, the little eunuch A Piao actually washed his soul with tears and turned into a pure spirit body, who will be reincarnated in the next moment.

Little Taotie's eyes widened, this was the first time he had encountered a spiritual body that cleansed itself, and he could reincarnate by himself without her having to eat up his grievances.

The little eunuch, A Piao, turned into a golden light and gradually dissipated, and looked at the golden comb with the last thought, and said softly, "Little girl, you are destined to be with the princess, maybe this is the gift from the princess..."

The little eunuch A Piao left completely.

Little Taotie tilted his head, somewhat puzzled: "Grandpa, you said this is an alien domain, so the reincarnation of the spirit body here will be reincarnated in this world, or reincarnated in another world?"

Little people, there are many question marks in their heads.

Shen Cang met her confused eyes and narrowed his eyes: "The universe is dark."

Little Taotie blinked, remembering what Feng Qi said, maybe the universe is hell, or the universe is the underworld.

On all the planets in the universe, the undead will enter the reincarnation of the dark universe.

The blue star possesses the gravitational force, and the living people with flesh and blood will be trapped in the blue star because of the gravitational force. Maybe the blue star is indeed a "cage".

When death comes, the spirit body floats out of the physical body, it will get rid of gravity, float into the universe, and the universe is the final destination. The so-called Milky Way may be the Wangchuan River under the Naihe Bridge, otherwise why do people always say that people die? It will become a star in the sky, isn't there just a lot of stars in the Milky Way...

Little Taotie's thoughts diverged, and she didn't come back to herself until a warm stream of heat came from her palm. She looked at the golden comb in her hand, which was actually in the shape of a small animal horn.

"Save..." An extremely weak voice sounded.

Little Taotie pricked up his ears, looked behind a shelf where weapons were placed, and saw a dying old man.

The old man is the missing archaeologist.

After simply bandaging the archaeologists, he had to be rushed to the hospital, so Shen Cang walked out of the stone gate with the two children behind his back, and returned to the place where the mural of the maid was originally.

Other members of the special department have also returned, and the places they entered are basically different. Only one person is a duplicate, indicating that they have reached their limit, so there is one person who was assigned to a duplicate location.

After confirming that the stone gate leads to different coffins, and each coffin is a member of the royal family, Shen Cang contacted the relevant department. The next excavation and archaeological work has nothing to do with the special department. The special department has already checked this place. , draw blueprints, reducing the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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