Chapter 1147 A Small Horn ([-])

Because of the particularity of the golden comb, no one could take it away except for the little Taotie, so in the end, he had to give it to the little Taotie.

Little Taotie was honestly going to hand it in, but in the end he didn't have to hand it in. He was a little happy in his heart, and the little pear dimple quietly sank.

The elders who were discussing this matter saw the little girl's joy and pretended not to notice it.

Shen Cang sent the little Taotie back to the villa, and before leaving, he took a look at the golden comb that the little Taotie held in his hand all the way, "Keep it safe, and if you find anything, remember to report it."

Little Taotie nodded obediently, and bid farewell to him in a childish voice.

That night, Little Taotie put the golden comb on the bedside table before falling asleep.

falling asleep...

Little Taotie thought it would be the same dream as usual, but he didn't expect that this time the dream was very different.

In the dream, a girl is combing her hair, and Xiao Taotie is observing the environment from the perspective of the comb.

"Princess, why don't you go and see the number one scholar?"

Hearing this, the girl put down the golden comb, and said lazily, "What's so interesting, it's just a champion. One comes out every three years, and you can grab a lot."

The number one scholar sounds great. For poor students, this is the only way for a carp to leap over the dragon's gate, but for Xungui, what is this?

Every three years there will be a number one scholar, and the number one scholar will at most be a small official of the sixth or seventh rank, and enter the Imperial Academy. If he wants to make it to the top, he doesn't know how many years he will have to wait.

"This time the number one scholar is different from the usual number one scholar, he looks..." The little maid blushed, "It's so handsome!"

The girl squinted at her: "I see that you are in love with spring, and you have to wait for several years to reach the age of 25, right? When you are 25 years old, go out of the palace and find a good man to marry. This princess will help you!" Prepare the dowry."

"Princess! What are you talking about! The servant must stay by the princess's side for the rest of her life!"

The girl waved her hand, "You are too noisy, you should leave the palace early and get married, this princess doesn't want to be bothered by you forever!"

The little palace maid stomped her feet, a little annoyed: "Princess, this servant is relying on you!"

Girl: "...that is to say, this princess has a good temper, and you, a little maid, dare to play with your temper in front of this princess."

The little palace maid giggled, and whispered in the girl's ear: "My servant heard from Eunuch An that this number one scholar is a third-ranked scholar, and he is not very old. This year, he is the weakest crown. It is the best marriageable age..."

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly: "The little princess is only eight years old, and the emperor is going to give her a marriage? It's too early."

The little maid was a little anxious, she tugged on the girl's sleeve, and lowered her voice: "Princess, why don't you think about yourself, maybe you want to give you a marriage!"

"Forget it, don't hurt anyone." The girl lost interest and yawned.

The little palace lady hurriedly said: "How can this be harmful? This is the wealth and wealth that so many people can't dream of! Princess, you are a body of gold, talented and beautiful, the dream goddess of the imperial city! Princess Shang, it is the number one scholar from the poor family who has cultivated merits for eight lifetimes, and only in this life can he be rewarded with such good fortune!"

The girl's expression was lazy, and her calm eyes revealed a bit of coldness, "You have to live to enjoy the riches and honors. Everyone knows that this princess, Kefu, has killed five fiancés."

The little palace maid choked and said angrily, "It's those five people's own lives that are not good, what does it have to do with the princess!"

"Is life not good?" The girl chuckled, but there was no smile in her eyes, "Which one is not a noble child? If those born with a golden spoon in their mouths don't have this life, how can a child from a poor family suffer?" Can you afford it?"

"Princess..." The little maid hesitated to speak.

The girl glanced at her lightly, "Speak up if you have something to say."

The little palace maid showed a sad face: "Since your fifth fiancé passed away, no one in the imperial city dared to marry you, and only this humble boy might risk his life and death for this wealth. If he survives, The rumors are self-defeating, if he can't survive, I'm afraid... I'm afraid His Majesty will listen to the slander, send you to marry, and conquer those reckless foreigners... But princess, you are a body of gold, how can you marry far away? That barbarian land..."

The girl sneered: "Oh, so that's the case. No wonder the emperor's attitude towards this princess is very strange recently. He originally planned to send me to marry me."

(End of this chapter)

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