Chapter 1149 A Small Horn ([-])

After he passed the scholar examination, he had to go to a government school and couldn't stay at home all the time.

Someone sneaked into the house to steal while he was not at home. The widowed mother found the thief and was almost killed. When she called for help, a girl with a machete rushed in to save the widowed mother.

After all, this girl was his mother's savior.

This is a daughter of Orion's family, born with great strength and cheerfulness, and after a long time of contact, she has a crush on this number one scholar.

When he went to Beijing to rush for the exam, he plucked up the courage to confess, saying that if he could win the gold medal, he hoped she would marry him when he returned.

The girl agreed.

"If I had known this earlier, I should have engaged in marriage before heading out for the exam." The number one scholar smiled wryly.

"How strong is she?" the girl asked suddenly.

The champion was taken aback.

He had no idea that Her Royal Highness's focus was on Wan Niang's strength.

The number one scholar remembered that he had sprained his foot, Wan Niang immediately picked him up, and couldn't help but blush.

"Hey, the princess is asking you something, why are you dumb again!" the little maid urged.

The number one scholar hurriedly replied: "She went hunting with her father, and one person can carry three wolves down the mountain."

The little maid exclaimed: "Who are you fooling, how is it possible!"

The girl squinted her eyes, and there was a bit of interest in her lazy eyes, "This princess wants to see her."

"Princess, are you going to anger her!" The champion knelt eagerly, "I just hope that the princess will not investigate and let her go. I didn't expect..."

"This princess will give you and her a chance."

The number one scholar looked in surprise.

The girl stood up and patted the skirt: "This princess has a good bow, and there are not many people who can pull the bowstring. If she can pull the bowstring, I will give her a gift."

The champion watched the girl leave in a daze, and the little maid snorted before leaving: "His Royal Highness wants to fulfill you, but it still depends on whether the Orion girl has real skills! If she has real skills, hmph, it will be cheaper for you." Already!"

When the little palace lady left, recalling what the little palace lady said, the champion fell to the ground, a little flustered and worried, wondering if Wanniang could do it.


Wan Niang was overjoyed when she learned that the person she liked won the first prize in the examination.

The widowed mother of the number one scholar likes Wan Niang very much, and is already planning to get engaged.

But a bad news came, the number one scholar refused His Majesty's offer of marriage in full view of everyone, angered His Majesty, was thrown into the prison, and will be executed at another day!

The widowed mother of the champion fainted at that time.

Wan Niang decided to go to the imperial city to talk to the emperor about why his daughter couldn't get married?Kill if you don't marry?How stupid!


In the palace, the old emperor frowned when he saw the cakes on the table, "Don't cook, you will hurt your hands."

The old father of other people's family is happy when he eats his daughter's pastry, but if he eats his own daughter's pastry, he will kill half his life.

After eating, within half an hour, you must go to the latrine.

Take a deep breath: "Can I not eat?"

"Father, these are the beans my daughter soaked early in the morning. I made the mung bean cake all morning. Father really doesn't want to taste a bite?"

Seeing the sad face of the eldest daughter, thinking of the queen who died young, the old emperor sighed, closed his eyes, took a piece and took a bite.

The mung bean cake in her mouth was bitter, and she didn't know how she made it!

The old emperor swallowed hard and asked, "Do you have something to ask me?"

This girl, who has nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, can bring cakes, must have something to ask.

"I heard that the girl whom the number one scholar likes is born with great strength, and I want to see it."

(End of this chapter)

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