Chapter 1150 A Small Horn ([-])

Thinking of the number one scholar, the old emperor became angry.

He didn't want to marry his rich and precious eldest daughter to a poor student, but it's a pity that her fate is too...

Five fiancées died in a row, and it's impossible not to admit it!

This time, the champion's fate has been seen by others a long time ago. He is a hard-fated one. He killed his father when he was born, and he has no relatives. Her mother seemed to be almost killed too.

Two hard-fated ones may be able to win the battle.

But who would have thought that the number one scholar would be so ignorant that even if he agreed first, he would refuse if something happened in private, but he was a dead-headed man who refused in front of many officials. Wouldn't that be shameful?

Since you don't give me face, then feel the wrath of the emperor!

The old emperor lost his temper and ordered the champion to be imprisoned. In fact, he was more worried. The champion was already the last hope.

"What's so good about that kind of country girl." The old emperor took the opportunity to put down the pastry he had taken a bite of, and it was painful to eat one more bite.

The girl didn't let him go, "Father, isn't it delicious? Why do you only take one bite?"

It's not tasty!

Very unpalatable!

But the old emperor was embarrassed to say it, and he didn't want to hurt his daughter's filial piety.

She is a princess, and she can cook with her own hands, which shows that her filial piety is earth-shattering.

The old emperor exhaled, picked up the pastry again, and forced a smile: "It's delicious, it's delicious."

Girl: "If it's delicious, eat more."

The old emperor smiled wryly: "Okay, okay, I'll eat more. It's just that I ate just now, and now I can't eat that much. Let it go first, and I'll eat it up when I'm hungry."

The girl squinted her eyes: "My daughter wants to watch her father eat it!"

Seeing that she would not leave, the old emperor thought for a while, and could only say: "I promise you, let that village girl enter the palace, and you go and prepare."

"What do you want my son to prepare?" The girl looked innocent.

The old emperor took a deep breath: "The number one scholar refuses to marry in public, you have to dress up and compare yourself to that village girl!"

"If my daughter doesn't dress up, can't she be compared?"

The old emperor: "..."

Seeing the distressed look on the father's face, Her Royal Highness decided to be merciful and stop embarrassing him, and waved her hand: "But what the father said is also reasonable, and she will feel ashamed if she wants to win an overwhelming victory! The minister has retired, so she has to dress up properly." fan!"

Seeing her go, the old emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The eunuch at the side held back his laughter and reached out to take the plate away.

The old emperor stopped him: "Let's leave it alone, and eat when I'm hungry."

The corner of the eunuch's mouth twitched: "Your Majesty, please think twice, take care of the dragon body!"

After hesitating for a while, thinking of the pain of collapse every time, the old emperor finally waved his hand: "Forget it, let's withdraw."

Just as the eunuch was about to leave, the old emperor stopped him again, "Be careful, don't let anyone see you."


As soon as Wan Niang arrived in the imperial city, she was invited to the palace. She saw a fairy-like woman, and everyone around her knelt down and called her princess. Only then did she know that this was the emperor's unmarried princess.

"I..." Wan Niang couldn't speak fluently.

She looked down at the coarse linen clothes on her body, feeling a little inferior.

Her Royal Highness did dress up well, but she dressed herself up according to the way a commoner girl dresses outside, trying to make herself look more friendly.

Unfortunately, it still creates a sense of distance.

The girl lowered her eyes and said lightly: "Before this princess sent someone to pick you up, you had already come to the imperial city. You should know about the number one scholar."

"Minnv knows, Minnv..." Wan Niang, who had come to the royal family to argue with the royal family, saw this beautiful face, and could not utter any foul words, so she could only weakly say: "Minnv The woman and him are in love with each other first."

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly: "What? Do you want to give up?"

"" Wan Niang took a breath and mustered up her courage: "Minnv knows that he rejected the marriage and knows his intentions, so naturally she will not back down. I will shrink back, at most I will die with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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