Chapter 1151 A Small Horn ([-])

"It's a pair of fateful mandarin ducks." The girl smiled playfully: "This princess can give you a chance."

She pouted, "That bow, not many people can pull the bowstring. I heard that you are born with great strength. If you can pull the bowstring, this princess will help you all."

Wan Niang has already embraced the mentality that she must die, who would have thought that there will be a turning point.

Wan Niang hurried over to pick up the bow and stretched out her hand to pull it.

She didn't pull it at first, she took a deep breath and tried several times, but she still didn't pull it.

The little maid laughed out loud: "It seems that Zhuangyuan Lang is a liar!"

"I can do it!" Wan Niang stretched out her hand and pulled hard again.

The bowstring moved, and a little... was pulled away.

Reluctantly, not quite pulled apart.

"You can't!" The little maid laughed at her.

Wan Niang blushed and pulled hard again.

Seeing that her palm was bleeding, the girl said calmly, "That's it."

"Your Royal Highness, it's okay for a girl, just give her a little more time..." Wan Niang begged.

The girl lazily yawned: "This princess said that as long as you pull the bowstring, you will be fulfilled. I never said that you must draw the bow to the fullest."

Hearing this, Wan Niang was taken aback, let go of her hand, reset the bowstring, and took several steps back, her eyes filled with disbelief, "It's... so simple?"

The girl smiled lightly: "It's not easy, few of the imperial guards in the palace can pull the bowstring, your strength is really good."

"That girl..."

"Go, let someone release the champion." The girl threw a token to the little maid.

The little maid stomped her feet angrily: "It's too cheap for them!"

The girl glanced at her lazily and sideways, and the little maid didn't dare to delay, so she could only leave in a hurry.

Wan Niang knelt on the ground and kowtowed sincerely: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your fulfillment, thank you, Your Highness, for your fulfillment..."

The girl waved her hand and turned around.

After Wan Niang, who was kneeling on the ground, calmed down, she lazily said, "Are you willing to follow this princess?"

"Ah?" Wan Niang raised her head with a dazed and naive expression.

The girl asked lightly: "Have you ever heard that this princess killed five fiances?"

"This..." Wan Niang didn't know how to answer.

On the way to the imperial city, she heard that the person she admired was imprisoned in the sky prison. She had a grudge against the imperial family in her heart, and maliciously thought that this was retribution!
But now, seeing this princess who is as beautiful as a goddess, I feel sad for her.

Such a beautiful princess, why can't she be happy?

"Looking at your look, you should know it, right?"

"Yes, Minnv heard rumors on the way to Beijing."

The girl said indifferently: "Father is not a mediocre person, the reason why he was furious is because the number one scholar is the last chance for this princess."

"Last chance?" Wan Niang was puzzled.

"After the scientific examination is over, it's time for foreign envoys to come. At that time, they will definitely propose marriage."

Wan Niang came to her senses, and asked nervously, "Your Royal Highness can't marry the number one scholar, so she can only make a kiss?"

"That's about it."

Wan Niang suddenly prostrated herself on the ground: "It was the daughter of the people who killed the princess..."

Such a beautiful person, how can he get married and marry into another country, there will be no good end!
Wan Niang said with tears in her eyes, "Your Highness, if... if there is no other candidate, the daughter of the people will talk to him..."

The girl couldn't stop laughing: "You want to persuade the champion to marry me? What about you? Do you want to be a concubine?"

"Minnv... Minnv is willing to be a concubine." Wan Niang said timidly.

"Tsk!" The girl waved her hand: "You are willing, but this princess is not willing!"

The girl straightened her waist, her body was noble, her gaze was calm, and her voice was cold: "This princess can only have this princess as her man."

Wan Niang pursed her lips, and said weakly: "Then... let's do a show first, and after the envoy leaves..."

"Escape is not the princess' choice."

The girl looked down at Wan Niang, her voice was sonorous and forceful: "A marriage can only be exchanged for a moment of peace. After all, it is not a solution. Those barbarians will only gain an inch if they get an advantage once. Now it is my princess, and in a few years it will be a little princess, or a big princess." The imperial brother's daughter, if you want to trade the little girl's marriage for a moment of peace, Daxia will perish within 20 years!"

Wan Niang covered her mouth with a look of horror.

In 20 years, does Daxia only have 20 years of national luck?

The girl's gaze calmly met Wanniang's terrified gaze, she raised the corners of her mouth, and her smile was bewildering: "Wanniang, this princess will not exchange this mere 20 years of Cathay Pacific with my relatives, and this princess will live for one day, and this big summer One day of prosperity! Are you willing to follow this princess to fight the enemy and keep this Great Xia prosperous for a hundred years?"

Wan Niang was in a daze, and the girl picked up the bow that she couldn't draw.

Under Wan Niang's inconceivable gaze, the girl gently hooked up the bowstring with one finger, as if effortlessly pulling a strand of hair, the bow was fully drawn!

Wan Niang thought she was born with great strength, but at this moment, she saw the real natural power!
Wan Niang's eyes were full of admiration, and she prostrated herself on the ground and bowed down, "Wan Niang is willing to follow Her Royal Highness and swear allegiance to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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