Chapter 1152 A Small Horn ([-])

When foreign envoys arrived, the words in the hall were presumptuous and echoed with each other. Judging from their appearance, they should have been colluding.

The old emperor sitting on top frowned, feeling that things were getting more difficult.

When the foreign envoys went to rest, the old emperor called his assistant ministers to discuss.

The old emperor: "When they were scattered, I missed a good opportunity to break them one by one. Now that they are gathered together, I am afraid that... Daxia is in danger..."

The minister prostrated himself and knelt down: "Your Majesty, the old minister is aware of your love for the eldest princess, but...before the country's major events..."

Inside the hall, there was a long silence.

The eunuch standing outside the door heard something vaguely, but not quite.

But the eunuch knew that the long silence was more like His Majesty's acquiescence.


Under the sun, a drop of sweat ran across the girl's rosy face, and her sweaty hair was even more charming. She stabbed the long sword in the air, as if to pierce the sky and the scorching sun.

An eagle landed and stopped on a nearby tree branch.

Until the girl withdrew her sword and waved her hand, the eagle rushed towards her, but it landed on her shoulder docilely.

The girl took off the letterbox from the talons.

A few words in a hurry, but it shows everything.

The corner of the girl's mouth was lightly raised, but there was no smile in her eyes, "In the end, am I still abandoned?"

The girl looked up at the sky, then at the mountains and rivers, and sneered: "For the sake of the world, what is there not to give up? It's just a daughter, and it's not the only child. Even if it's the only child, why not give up. "

"This is... the heart of an emperor."


The girl withdrew her gaze and looked down at the sword in her hand.

Your own destiny is never in the hands of others, only in your own hands.

The sword light flashed, and the long hair fell to the ground.

The girl's hair was shaved, and her short hair was heroic.

The little maid came over to deliver tea, and when she saw this scene, she yelled, "Your Highness, what are you doing!"

The girl's eyes were calm and calm, and she lightly fell on the hair, "Pick it up, and go back to the palace today."

Before the foreign envoys came, the old emperor was afraid that she would be upset by seeing her, so he arranged for her to go to a hot spring village on the outskirts of the imperial city. It was called a summer escape, but in fact it was to avoid disaster.

She believed that her father at that time really didn't want her to get married.

But for the foreign alliance, the emperor's father may have changed his mind.

The emperor's heart is the most suspicious and changeable.

The disheartened queen mother had seen through it long ago, and said to her before she died: "The book teaches women to obey their father at home, and obey their husband after marriage... It's all a lie!"

"My son, remember, don't blindly believe the books written by those men, most of them are just deceiving us!"

"Why can't a girl follow her own will in this life? It's only because the mother realized it too late...I can't change anything, but my son is different. My son is the princess of the dynasty, so I must live wantonly!"

The girl withdrew her thoughts, and the little maid gathered the broken hair on the ground and tied it together, and handed it to Her Royal Highness with both hands, and the girl took it and held it in her palm.

Holding the broken hair in one hand and the long sword in the other, the girl entered the carriage.

The carriage slowed down after entering the city, but there was a speeding carriage head-on.

The arrogant groom shouted: "Get out of the way, this is the carriage of foreign envoys, you still don't give way!"

Her Royal Highness is riding in the carriage of Wenquan Zhuangzi, not Her Royal Highness's BMW incense car, so it is very low-key, and it looks like it is just a carriage of an ordinary rich man.

The little maid was aggrieved and wanted to go out to argue, but the princess held her hand.

The little princess was surprised, and the girl smiled faintly: "Wait here."

Her Royal Highness opened the curtain of the carriage and went out. When foreign envoys saw such a beauty, they wanted to snatch her back in the street.

Before the salty pig's hand touched her own, the girl swung her sword.

The head of the foreign envoy fell to the ground, and the blood splashed all over the princess's body.


With her broken hair in her mouth, the girl grabbed the head of the foreign envoy in one hand and the long sword in the other, and walked carelessly into the hall like this.

The old emperor was taken aback. Seeing that the princess was holding a weapon and was about to draw the sword, the imperial guards heard the old emperor scold them and told them to back down.

The old emperor hurriedly got off the dragon chair, his eyes were full of disbelief and he looked at his daughter's hair, "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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