Chapter 1153 A Small Horn ([-])

The minister's eyes were sharp, and he saw that the head was one of the envoys from a foreign country, so he knelt down and kowtowed, tears streaming down his face: "Princess, how can you be so reckless... the foreign alliance, you beheaded the envoy, this is a provocation." War! With Da Xia's current combat power... woo woo... Da Xia is over..."

The old emperor got a headache from the old minister's crying, so he yelled, "Shut up!"

The elders behind the ministers also cried, feeling great grief, as if they had seen Daxia's blood flow into rivers, mountains and rivers shattered...

The girl calmly put down the head, took off the severed hair in her mouth and offered it with both hands: "My daughter is beheaded to envoy, to start a war, my daughter is willing to fight for Great Xia, if defeated, the head will be cut off like this, and I offer it with both hands. "

"Nonsense!" the old emperor scolded.

The minister at the side wiped away his old tears and kowtowed to the girl: "Your Highness, the only way to appease the foreigners is...the princess and kiss!"

The elders of the pavilion also knelt on the ground one after another, "I beg the princess to make peace, I beg the princess to exchange Daxia for a hundred years of peace!"

The old emperor pursed his lips, aged instantly, and his voice was exhausted: "I will let you bring three thousand guards and marry, and no one will embarrass you..."

The girl sneered.

The laughter was abrupt.

The cries of the old ministers were also in vain.

The main hall became quiet, and a needle could be heard.

The girl raised her head, her short hair added a bit of unruliness and a bit of masculinity, "Father, do you remember that I broke your jade seal when I was three years old."

As soon as these words came out, the hall became even quieter, and the veterans even relaxed their breathing.

These are veterans, and they also know about the three-year-old princess.

The Eldest Princess is His Majesty's first daughter, born of the Empress, and His Majesty loves her very much. The three-year-old little princess, Yuxue, is cute, fragrant and soft, and likes to cling to His Majesty. When His Majesty leaves, she will cry. I can only hold her to review the memorial.

When His Majesty came out to pay respects, the little princess probably felt that the jade seal on the table was beautiful, and she held it in her arms to play, but a corner of the jade seal suddenly broke.

This is a jade seal that has been passed down for several generations in Daxia. Push too hard and it will break.

The girl raised the corner of her mouth: "The jade seal at that time didn't have any cracks, and the emperor must have known about it."

The old emperor frowned tightly.

He, a person who uses it every day, of course knows whether there is a crack in the jade seal, but at that time he felt that a corner was broken for no reason, and if it fell into the mouth of a caring person, he might say that he is not the emperor, and many things will be censored. People with a heart deliberately distorted it, so they made mistakes and declared to the outside world that there was a crack in the jade seal, so the princess would play badly.

The girl picked up the long sword.

"Escort!" The assistant minister yelled, thinking that Her Royal Highness the Princess did not want to get married and wanted to kill the king.

The girl just stood there, grasping the blade of the sharp sword with one hand, let out a "ha", and then there was a sound of "嗙", the sound of the sword snapping.

Everyone present was stunned.

The girl threw the broken sword on the ground, and raised a defiant smile: "Father and Emperor didn't take this matter to heart, but Mother Empress found it suspicious. On that day, Mother Empress asked me to try my strength."

The girl glanced at everyone present, playfully: "The queen mother was afraid of alarming the people in the palace, so she took me to the summer resort and used the summer as an excuse to leave the palace. Unexpectedly, there were two crazy sheep on the road. When I was in danger, I caught them with my bare hands. killed two sheep and stunned them."

The minister couldn't believe it, his lips trembled: " is this possible?"

There is also a fierce general in history who could catch two sheep with his bare hands when he was nine years old, and his strength was boundless. He was also nine years old, but Her Royal Highness was only three years old at that time!

The three-year-old was able to catch two crazy sheep with his bare hands and knocked them out!
This is a natural power!
The minister looked at the girl's face, and couldn't help lamenting: How wonderful it would be if it were a man, Daxia will definitely produce a powerful general who can pull mountains and rivers!

It's a pity... Although Her Highness the Princess is born with supernatural powers, she is just a girl.

The girl pointed to the broken sword on the ground: "I can break the sword with bare hands, you have also seen it, so, can this prove my strength?"

An old minister stepped forward, hesitated, and said, "Maybe... this is a sword that has been used for a long time."

The meaning of this statement is nothing more than saying that the sword has moved its hands and feet.

The young girl stared at him coldly, the old minister shivered, lowered his head, not daring to look at each other.

"Heh." The girl pointed to the big cauldron in front of the palace gate, "Well, I guess I can't move, right?"

The old emperor seemed to have guessed something, and scolded: "Don't mess around!"

The girl raised her head and showed a bright smile: "Father, if this minister is capable of carrying a thousand catties, can you give him a general to be the leader? If the minister kills the envoy, the war he provoked will be quelled by the minister himself. The barbarians who killed will never dare to violate the border! Without the need for ministers and relatives, Daxia can still be peaceful and prosperous!"

(End of this chapter)

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