Chapter 1154 A Little Horn ([-])

The young girl's voice was powerful, confident and calm, and the voice echoed in the hall, shocking everyone present for a moment.

When the old emperor came back to his senses, the girl was already heading towards the main hall in front of the palace gate.

The old emperor shouted eagerly: "Quick! Stop her! Nonsense, it is nonsense!"

In history, there have been people who showed their natural power and wanted to lift a big tripod, but they were crushed to death by the tripod and died on the spot!

Those who want to stop the princess are not the princess' opponents at all, and the princess has no weapons in her hands. The long sword brought into the hall broke on the ground, and the princess's fists are like hammers. None of the soldiers are opponents.

The old emperor looked at this delicate and weak eldest daughter in disbelief. The image of the eldest daughter in his mind was completely subverted. Who would have thought that the eldest daughter could be so brave as a man!No, even men are not as brave as her!
At this moment, he suddenly had an absurd idea, he actually had a little faith in her, believed that she could lift the heavy cauldron, believed that she could bravely kill the enemy on the battlefield, believed that she could bring a hundred years of peace to Great Xia!

The old emperor shook his head with a bitter smile on his lips.

But... how is this possible?
"Are they all trash? Hurry up and stop the princess, don't let her touch the big cauldron!" the old emperor roared, anxious in his heart, and he himself rushed over, trying to stop the mischievous eldest daughter.

But it was too late, those who tried to stop the princess couldn't stop the princess at all. At this moment, Her Highness the princess was already standing by the big cauldron in front of the palace gate.

She smiled at the rushing father: "Is the father worried that the son will not be able to lift the big tripod, but will be crushed to death by the tripod instead?"

The old emperor shouted angrily: "Shut up, don't curse yourself with nonsense! Don't move, stand there and wait for me, don't move the cauldron, be obedient, my daughter is obedient, obedient..." As he spoke, the old emperor His lips trembled, as if he was in a hurry, his body also twitched and fell to the ground.

The eunuch hurriedly stepped forward to support the old emperor who was about to fall to the ground, and stroked his back. The old emperor finally took a breath, but he missed the best time to stop it.

"No——" the old emperor closed his eyes, not daring to look. The picture in his mind was that his beautiful and delicate daughter was crushed under the cauldron, bloody and bloody.

There were cheers and screams in my ears, "Okay!"

"His Royal Highness is mighty!"

"A princess is a god!"

"Innate divine power, the blessing of the great summer!"

"The princess is the mighty general bestowed by the heavens on Great Xia!" The veterans cheered.

This time they were truly crying, old tears, and they were ecstatic that Daxia's vitality was not exhausted, and wept with joy.

The old emperor was taken aback, and slowly, cautiously, and timidly—opened his eyes!

In the eyes, it was under the sunlight. The girl stood proudly, holding the big tripod high with both hands. There was no pain, fatigue and effort on her face, but a calm and breezy cloud. When she met her gaze, the girl smiled gently at him. Under the sun With a bright and free smile, "Father, my son did it."

"Father, can you keep your promise? Give your son a general?"

As soon as the words came out, the veterans knelt down on the ground, and the civil and military officials who came to hear the news knelt down and shouted: "Please Your Majesty, give the eldest princess a general to fight for Great Xia!"

The old emperor closed his eyes, the matter has come to an end, his delicate and weak eldest princess no longer exists, and I am afraid that in the future there will only be a tomboy in armor!


"I, I bestow upon you, Great General Shocking Heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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