Chapter 1155 A Small Horn ([-])

The envoys were beheaded, and the Gentile Alliance immediately went to war.

The yellow sand is long, and the two armies are facing each other.

General against general, soldier against soldier.

The generals are fighting, and the drums are shaking.

The general wearing a ferocious beast mask sat on a tall horse, with neat short hair and a burly armor, making it difficult to distinguish between men and women.

"Glutton mask? Short hair?" The sturdy man on the tall horse across from him sneered, "Are you the Great General of Da Xia?"

At this time, Gentiles still don't know that this great general who shakes the sky is a princess of Daxia, and it is only regarded as a secret weapon that Daxia has cultivated and hidden for many years.

General Zhentian pointed his spear at the shirtless man, and said in a deep voice, "Stop making noise, let's go to war!"

The horse neighed and galloped away, the spear picked up a field of yellow sand and splashed over, the tall horse of the man opposite snorted, almost throwing him off the horse.

The sturdy man yelled angrily: "Today, the prince will behead you! Daxia is shameless. This prince is willing to marry that soft and weak princess, and he has condescended. How dare the emperor Daxia dog you?" Beheading envoys is ignorant of current affairs!"

"Noisy!" General Zhentian thrust his spear straight through, piercing the horse's neck.

The third prince Rouran yelled angrily, and was almost knocked down by the horse. He supported the ground with a big knife, and stood firmly on the ground with a backflip, but the helmet had already fallen off, and his long braids danced wildly with the wind.

"The bloody horse that dared to kill the prince! You will pay the price!"

"Big Xia will definitely pay the price! The princess of Daxia doesn't want to marry my prince, then wait for my prince to kill you, invade Daxia, and go to the palace to snatch her! At that time, she is only worthy of being my prince's footbath." slave girl!"

Just when the two armies thought that the shouting His Royal Highness the Third Prince Rouran was going to use a big move, they saw him turn around and run very fast, "Brother, this man is really powerful! Cover me!"

Seeing that he was about to run away, General Zhentian drove his horse to catch up.

Three people rode their horses, namely the eldest prince Rouran, the seventh prince of Mobei, and the general of the Xiongnu!

The three of them blocked the way of General Zhentian, and gave the third prince Rouran, who fell off his horse and fled, time to escape. As long as he escapes into the rear barracks, he can escape.

The opponent can be divided into upper and lower with one move. Just now, General Zhentian pierced the neck of the bloody BMW with a gun. The strength is so great that it is frightening.

Rouran people love horses, and they are good at raising horses. This sweaty BMW is the most beloved mount of the third prince of Rouran. Naturally, the protective measures are extremely in place when going out in battle. The horse's face is wearing protective gear, and the horse's neck is covered Iron ring made of refined iron.

But even under such protection, he was killed by a single shot.

Looking at the sweaty BMW lying on the ground, all the fine iron rings around its neck were broken.

How much strength is this?
The strength of a thousand catties?

Don't be afraid!
The three of them blocked the way of General Zhentian, but none of them dared to shout, dared to fight alone with this General Zhentian.

General Zhentian sneered: "What? Think you can keep him?"

General Zhentian grabbed the spear and made a throwing motion.

The three of them looked back, and saw that the third prince Rouran had already run out a thousand meters away.

Such a long distance, and it's not a longbow, how could it be possible to hit it?
I saw the spear flying away, making a sound of breaking through the air, drawing a rapid parabola in the sky, and hitting the third prince Rouran's head straight, fast, accurate, and ruthless!There is no possibility of salvation at all!

The three people blocking the way gasped.

They got the news that the Great General Zhentian who had been hiding in the Great Xia for many years was born with great strength and seemed to have a lot of strength, but now they really saw his strength, this is probably... divine power!

"Third brother!" The first prince Rouran called out pretending to be sad, his horse turned sharply, and rushed in the direction of the third prince Rouran, but when he looked carefully, his eyes did not stay on the third prince at all, but looked at the third prince. Looking at the barracks behind, this is to run into the barracks.

The other two reacted, the Seventh Prince of Mobei and the General of the Xiongnu scolded the First Prince Rouran for being cunning in their hearts, but with grief on their faces, they turned around and shouted, "Third Prince Rouran!"

The two spoke in unison, looked at each other, and ran back quickly.

"Since we are going to fight, how can we let you leave easily?" The voice of General Zhentian sounded from behind them, like Shura urging them to die.

(End of this chapter)

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