Chapter 1156 A Small Horn ([-])

The three of them didn't take it seriously, now that General Zhentian doesn't have a weapon in his hands, and his horse doesn't run as fast as theirs, so he can't catch up with them at all.

General Zhentian took out the horn and blew it, and Wan Niang pulled the bowstring on the city wall.

Wan Niang was originally the daughter of Orion. She played with bows and arrows since she was a child, and she pierced Yang with a hundred steps. With this good bow and her great strength, three arrows hit three people. Although they were not fatal instantly, they also fell off their horses. General Tianda caught up with them and bought time.

General Zhentian caught up with the Seventh Prince of Mobei and General Xiongnu. They fell to the ground and were hit by arrows. They were extremely embarrassed.

The general Xiongnu made a decisive decision, broke the arrow body with force, stood up with a big knife in his hand, roared like a beast at the general Zhentian, and rushed over with the knife.

He didn't believe that he, with a big knife in his hand, couldn't deal with a thin guy without a weapon in his hand!

The Seventh Prince of Mobei raised the scimitar in his hand and shouted: "I will help you!"

The two thought that working together they would be able to repel the unarmed General Zhentian.

General Zhentian stood where he was, because he wore a mask on his face, no one could see the pity and coldness on that beautiful face under the mask.

She held out her hands, and her hands were covered with soft gold silk gloves.

Both hands simultaneously caught the knives of the General of the Xiongnu and the Seventh Prince of Mobei, making a clanging sound of steel colliding.

The general of the Xiongnu let go and backed away again and again, his eyes full of horror.

The Seventh Prince of Mobei fell to the ground, looking at the broken knife on the ground in disbelief.

Although the two of them saw that General Zhentian was wearing gloves, they didn't take it seriously. Now that General Zhentian grabbed the sword and broke it off, both of them were numb.

The Seventh Prince of Mobei only felt that his legs were numb, as if they had been filled with lead, and he couldn't stand up at all.

The Hun general took a deep breath, turned around and ran away.

"You still want to run?" General Zhentian sneered, hooked his toes, raised the broken knife, and kicked in the air.

Although the broken knife is broken, it is still sharp.

The broken knife flew out like an off-string arrow, making a sound of piercing through the air.

The general of the Xiongnu heard the approaching sound of breaking through the air, and turned his head to take a look. He was so frightened that he couldn't stay out of his mind, and shouted again and again: "Forgive me!"

"Pfft!" The blade sank into the flesh, and blood spattered.

The Seventh Prince of Mobei who was sitting paralyzed on the ground did not dare to escape. Seeing the general of the Xiongnu dying in peace, he begged bitterly: "Mobei is weak and weak, they are in an alliance, we dare not not participate..."

"No need to explain." General Zhentian grabbed the other party's neck to silence him.

"My princess never looks at the process, but only at the result. The result is that you joined the alliance and violated the border of Daxia, so just wait for Daxia's anger to descend on Mobei." The wind did not spread, but it was enough to reach the ears of the Seventh Prince of Mobei.

The Seventh Prince of Mobei stared in horror.

Before dying he doubted his ears.

What did he hear?
"This princess"?Who would call themselves that?
There are only two His Royal Highnesses in Daxia, one is an eight-year-old child, and the other... is the one who was taken seriously by them and planned to cheat out of Daxia in the name of marriage, and then kidnapped on the way, wantonly humiliated Her Royal Highness Princess Daxia!

On the day of the Gentile Alliance, they had been eyeing the rich land of Daxia, and never thought of making Daxia peaceful through a marriage, but they still encouraged the third prince Rouran to propose a marriage, not really for Rouran Bundled with Daxia just to humiliate Daxia.

When Daxia humiliatedly agreed to make a marriage, and when His Royal Highness, the princess of Wanjin, married Rouran, the road was full of dangers, and an ambush had already been set up. His Royal Highness the princess, humiliated her to death, and threw her body into the wilderness.

But Rouran couldn't wait for the bride for a long time. When she learned that the bride was robbed in Daxia's land, she sent troops to suppress the bandits in anger. At that time, it would depend on Daxia's ability to open the city gate to let Rouran's soldiers enter the country. Let, then let Rouran fight in the vanguard. If you let it, it will be more interesting. The Rouran soldiers who entered Daxia burned, killed and looted. It depends on whether the emperor of Daxia regrets opening the city gate!

One after another of the designs, it was too late to implement, only because Daxia unexpectedly killed the envoys, and sent a Zhentian general who had never shown himself before to go on the expedition.

"You are... Princess Daxia?" He asked with difficulty before dying.

General Zhentian sneered: "You know too much." After the words fell, there was a "click", and the neck of the Seventh Prince of Mobei was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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