Chapter 1157 A Little Horn ([-])

The first prince Rouran was hit by an arrow and fell off his horse. The horse screamed in fright and ran away madly. He cursed and looked back. Daring to delay for a moment, he frantically ran towards the barracks.

Faster, faster!
Be there soon!

He passed by the body of the third prince Rouran, did not take a look at his good third brother, but ran forward desperately.

The sound of horseshoes behind him was getting closer and closer. He didn't dare to look back, but he still couldn't help but look back. This look made him heartbroken and his face horrified.

General Zhentian was sitting on a tall horse, and there were two heads hanging on that tall horse. Who else could it be but the Seventh Prince of Mobei and the General Xiongnu?

In his opinion, he just ran for a while, who would have thought that the two of them could only block for such a while before they died!
Useless things!waste!

The first prince Rouran cursed at the two of them in his heart, his footsteps were faster, and he ran desperately, his legs were about to run out of afterimages.

He felt that the air in his lung cavity became thinner, and his throat felt a little hot and painful.

But can't stop, absolutely can't stop!

He fought with the general of the Huns, and he was not his opponent at all.

But this general of the Xiongnu who was able to defeat him died in the hands of General Zhentian. Once he was caught up, how could he survive?

Hurry up!
Who the hell is this Zhentian general? How could Da Xia have such a strong general?Why did such a powerful general hide for so many years?

If the Zhentian General had appeared on the battlefield a few years earlier, how could the foreign nations have formed an alliance?How can he have the heart to compete with Daxia?I can only bow my head and proclaim myself a minister, and pay tribute every year!


Why is the sound of hooves getting closer!
He hated himself for not having several legs to let him run.

"Don't run away." A voice like Shura's urging was close at hand.

He turned his head and was horrified to find that the man got off his horse and stood behind him.

He wanted to continue running, but someone gently grabbed him by the back collar.

He gritted his teeth and ran forward vigorously. At this moment, he hated that the material of this fur shirt was too good to be torn. If it was torn, he could run away.

Suddenly, a strong force came from the back collar, he was pulled and thrown!
The wind howled around.

Like a broken kite, he was thrown high in a parabola and fell heavily.

Falling into the yellow sand, he sank instantly, half of his body was buried in the sand.

He turned his head, terrified, surrounded by the eyes of the third brother who was dying, he had obviously run a long way, but the other party just threw him back to the third brother's side.

It was difficult for him to breathe, and he choked the sand into his lungs in one breath, and coughed violently.

General Zhentian came slowly, strolling in the garden, as if he was strolling in a garden.

"Let me go, I am the eldest prince of Rouran! I am the next King of Rouran! As long as you let me go, Rouran will not participate in the alliance and sign a hundred-year peace agreement with Daxia!"

"Tsk!" General Zhentian laughed playfully: "It seems that you haven't figured out the current situation yet!"

"The Gentiles have already formed an alliance. With the strength of Daxia, you are not an opponent! Even though you are very powerful, General Zhentian, with your own strength, how can you be an opponent with thousands of troops? All the males of Daxia will fight, and there will be 200 soldiers. Is it ten thousand combat power? As for the Gentile Alliance, the men are brave and good at fighting, and it is no problem to have one enemy ten, do you know how much combat power the Gentile Alliance has this time?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"What do you mean?" The eldest prince Rouran was taken aback.

General Zhentian sneered: "I have nothing to do with how many alliance troops there are in foreign countries. I can kill as many as I can."

(End of this chapter)

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