Chapter 1158 A Small Horn ([-])
"How could it have nothing to do with you? The foreign alliance army, let alone 300 million lions! This is just an elite selected by everyone with reservations. If the cards are full, you know, an army of tens of millions is no problem!"

"Oh oh oh, a lot, it's amazing." General Zhentian clapped his hands: "But you forgot, capture the thief first, capture the king, you are dead, your third brother is dead, the seventh prince of Mobei is dead, the Hun general Also died, are the soldiers you brought out really brave?"

"You..." The eldest prince Rouran trembled: "You really want to kill me! You have to know that you have already killed my third brother. If you kill me again, you will ruin Daxia and Rouran for hundreds of years in the future Rouran will fight Da Xia to the end!"

"A fight to the death for two trash?" General Zhentian nodded: "We'll wait and see."

"You can't kill me!"

Seeing the hand with the soft gold glove approaching his neck little by little, the First Prince Rouran shouted: "Save me, send troops to save me!"

But there was only a few hundred meters away from the military camp, and there was no movement.

Standing on a high platform with clairvoyant eyes, seeing that General Zhentian easily killed the third prince of Rouran, the seventh prince of Mobei, and other leaders of the General Xiongnu alliance, they dare not send troops. They need to discuss how to deal with Zhentian next. General.

For these people, the four people who ran out were nothing more than touchstones.

Just to see how powerful this Great General is!

The eldest prince Rouran thought he was very important, but he didn’t know that King Rouran wanted to give up on him a long time ago, wanting his youngest son to be the next king, but he was in the way of his youngest son, that’s why he let him lead the army. .

It seems that the alliance is impenetrable, but in fact it is vulnerable internally.

General Zhentian didn't want to hear this man's noise, so he broke his neck and chopped off his head with his own knife.

There was another head on the tall war horse.

General Zhentian looked at the enemy barracks not far away. If a million soldiers came out now, she would indeed be no match for thousands of troops.

It's a pity that this group of people is too scattered and there is no real decision maker, so they procrastinate and delay the best time.

If you miss this chance to kill yourself, these people will have no chance.

There was a sneer on the beautiful face under the mask of General Zhentian, he turned around and got on his horse, and rode away.

On this day, the reputation of General Zhentian resounded across the border.

Whether it is a foreign country or Daxia, they all know the existence of General Zhentian, this is a fierce general, a brave warrior!
This is a strong man who can easily cut off the head of the enemy leader!
The news was sent back to the palace, and in the Daxia Palace, the old emperor looked at the military exploits in disbelief.

He is delicate and soft, a big girl who seems to be struggling to kill a chicken, but when he goes to the battlefield, he will be four fierce generals in one kill!

This... this is too powerful!
The old emperor was happy, but terribly troubled.

The eldest daughter had rumors about Kefu, and now she went to battle to kill the enemy and became a fierce general. In the future... can she still find her husband's family?

Who dares to marry such a girl?

Taking a deep breath, the old emperor slapped the table.

The eunuch at the side was taken aback, not knowing why, he looked at the old emperor suspiciously.

Just listen to the old emperor muttering: "Recruit a son! I also want to learn from that rich man, how to recruit a son!"

If the girl can't get married, then recruit a wife!
He was not willing to marry such a good girl!
The eldest lady listened to the old emperor's muttering, and was startled.

I've never heard that Her Royal Highness can recruit a wife!
Is this raising Her Royal Highness as a man?Are you not afraid that other princes will have opinions?

Are you not afraid that the future son-in-law will be killed by other princes?
The chief eunuch was worried, so he heard the old emperor say, "Bring me the information of all the men of the right age in the imperial city, and I will choose carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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