Chapter 1159 A Little Horn ([-])
The yellow sand in the border town has attracted the attention of many people. In seven years, no one has noticed that the shaking general is not a man, but a girl.

Her Royal Highness has also changed from a young girl to a big girl.

It's just that under the armor, under the mask, the beautiful face and the peerless figure are hidden.

"Little guy, if you dare to touch this general's mask, you won't have candy for a month." General Zhentian sat on the recliner and dozed off with his eyes half closed. He quietly stretched out a small hand, wanting to see Her true face.

Wan Niang hurried over, picked up the naughty little guy, and greeted him twice with her big hand on his little butt.

The little boy was ignorant, even when his mother beat him, he was cute and dazed, neither crying nor fussing, just staring at Wan Niang with big round eyes.

Wan Niang was annoyed: "Brat, you have rough skin and thick flesh!"

The little boy leaned forward, making Wan Niang's face drooling, and she giggled foolishly.

Wan Niang was helpless: "Your Highness, I'll take him down, he'll disturb your nap again if he stays here."

General Zhentian waved his hand: "Go."

She watched Wan Niang leave with the baby in her arms, feeling a little joking in her heart.

In seven years, Wan Niang has given birth to two children. The eldest son is six years old. Although the youngest son is only two years old, he is still a handsome little guy.

Who would have thought that in order to follow his wife, the number one scholar who had a bright future resigned from his official position and chased him to this city? A white body who eats soft food.

Wan Niang also dotes on him, always saying that even if her husband has no official title and does not earn a penny, she can support him.

The shameless Zhuangyuan Lang kept saying: "I have a bad stomach, so I can only eat soft rice."

General Zhentian laughed and shook his head, but there was a bit of envy in his eyes.

The girls in the border town are bold, and they throw themselves into the arms of Zhuangyuan Lang many times, and are willing to be concubines, but Zhuangyuan Lang refuses them all.

Although Wan Niang is a general, her deep-rooted thought is that her husband is the heaven. During her pregnancy, she took the initiative to find concubines for her No.

The little palace maid came wearing a small soldier's uniform, she had already been sunburned into a small black charcoal, she grinned, and her teeth were white, "My great general, your majesty sent someone here!"

Hearing this, General Zhentian helped his forehead, and his whole body was not feeling well.

I don't know what her old father thinks, but in the past seven years, I have sent countless white-faced scholars one after another, and they call it military advisers and staff sent by me.

But before those little father-in-laws leave, they will quietly convey a meaning: These are all chosen by His Majesty, and if Her Royal Highness likes someone, you can... Hehehe.

With this devilish laughter, together with the hand rubbing movements, and the little eunuch's slightly wretched expression, she felt that she had comprehended something deep that she shouldn't have comprehended.

The majestic Emperor Da Xia, for being disrespectful to his elders, even gave his unmarried daughter a male favor!
"My great general, the most popular eunuch around His Majesty is here this time. You can't make people wait too long!"

In desperation, General Zhentian was pulled up by the little maid, so he had no choice but to see the "goods" sent by her old father this time!

Stepping into the military tent, seeing ten men standing in a row, the corners of the mouth of General Zhentian twitched under the mask.

The eunuch went up to meet him, his chubby face was full of smiles: "Your Highness, these are talents carefully selected by His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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