Chapter 1163 A Small Horn ([-])
The little father-in-law told the old emperor the day when the little princess would die, so that the old emperor would not forget.

The old emperor was taken aback for a moment, it turned out that his little girl was about to die!

I remember that when the eldest daughter went to the border, the younger daughter was only eight years old, crying and hugging her elder sister's leg, begging to go with her.

Now the little girl has reached the age of the hairpin, but the eldest girl doesn't know when she will return.

It seemed that the love that could not be given to the eldest daughter was instantly made up for by the younger daughter. The little princess was very much loved, and the wedding banquet was also extremely glorious, but after all, she was not from the empress, so she still couldn't overwhelm the eldest princess.

The little girl is old enough to make the old emperor, who regrets that he can't let the most beautiful man become his son-in-law, think about it. Now 16-year-old Hao Erlang can't be his own son-in-law, maybe he can be his decent son-in-law.

It's just that the little girl is only a concubine after all, so she won't be looked down upon by someone else's family. After all, she is the princess of the dynasty, who dares to look down on her, but it's hard to say in this strange Bai family.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Bai family, the princess born to a noble concubine is also the daughter of a concubine, not as noble and innocent as a daughter born to a peasant wife.

Regardless of success or failure, he took this matter to heart, after all, it was time for the little princess to choose her son-in-law.

The old emperor privately found the father of the most beautiful boy, and got together in the restaurant outside the palace as old friends, had a good time, and while drunk, the old emperor asked the Bai family's plan for Bai Yu's marriage.

"He is the baby of the two families. No one dares to wrong him, and no one dares to force him, but let him choose."

"Choose by yourself?" The old emperor frowned disapprovingly: "In ancient times, it was the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker."

"The Bai family doesn't have so many rules, and His Majesty knows it. Besides, that kid told the elders of the two parents when he was nine years old that he already has a sweetheart. When he wins the first prize, he will find his sweetheart."

The old emperor drank a glass of wine, feeling a little unhappy.

For such a good boy, it's fine if he can't be his own son-in-law. Now he can't even be a son-in-law.

"Do you know who the girl he likes is? The marriage was arranged privately when he was nine years old. This kind of girl..."

"Hahaha, isn't that your daughter!"

The old emperor, who was in a depressed mood, was stunned, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but unfortunately, after several pushes, the other party was already drunk.

When the old emperor returned to the palace, he was in a happy mood all the way. When he returned to the palace, he summoned a few trustworthy father-in-laws to find out if Bai Yu and the little princess had met in private.

Soon, news came.

"Your Majesty, seven years ago, the old prince brought Mr. Baiyu into the palace."

"Oh~" the old emperor recalled: "When you said that, I remembered it. Seven years ago, the old prince said that his grandson wanted to meet a foreigner, to see if he had green eyes and yellow hair, so the foreigner When he came to the envoy, he brought his grandson into the palace and lived in the palace temporarily."

"Yes, that was the time, the place where Mr. Baiyu lived was not far from the little princess' palace."

The corner of the old emperor's mouth turned up: "At that time, the little princess was eight years old, and this Bai Yu was nine years old. I never expected that the two of them were childhood sweethearts..."

It's just...they've been in the imperial city for seven years, why don't they have any contacts?
"Have they ever exchanged letters?" Perhaps before I knew it, the two little ones had already communicated with each other.

"Nothing. All I found out was that Mr. Baiyu lived in the palace seven years ago, and he may have met the little princess."

"Maybe I have seen it?" The old emperor frowned, feeling that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong for a while.

"It was too long ago, and the little princess was sad because the big princess left at that time, so she stayed behind closed doors, so... I can't find out the specifics."

"I know."

Waved his hand to make the person who reported the report retreat, and the old emperor paced back and forth in the hall, "No, you still have to ask that kid about this matter, and ask clearly. Don't rashly order a marriage. If you like the little princess, you should have done it long ago." Come and tell me, why wait until you get the first prize in the exam, there are too many strange things in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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