Chapter 1164 A Small Horn ([-])
Bai Yu is so talented that he really became the No. [-] scholar, and he is also the No. [-] scholar at the sixth grade!
The old emperor was so excited that he really wanted to propose a marriage in the palace, but when he remembered the embarrassing incident in the past, the short-sighted Zhuangyuanlang refused the marriage on the spot, which made him furious on the spot and sent the Zhuangyuanlang to the prison.

The old emperor proposed to grant the marriage only after leaving Bai Yu alone.

"Would you like to be the consort of the princess?"

Bai Yu knelt down: "Yes."

The old emperor was ecstatic in his heart: he really likes the little girl, he has liked it since he was nine years old!
"That's good, I will give you and the little princess a marriage right now, choose a date to get married, and I am anxious to hug my grandson! Hahaha..."

"and many more."

The old emperor frowned: "You want to go back on your word?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "I would like to be the consort of the princess, but not the consort of the little princess, but the consort of Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

"Ah?" The old emperor was startled.

Bai Yu, the grandson of the Wang with a different surname, has only one daughter for this Wang with a different surname, which means that the title of the king with a different surname will eventually be passed on to Bai Yu.

Now, relying on himself, he has become the number one scholar with six yuan and the first prize, which is rare in a century.

His father's family has been a general in the past, and his cousins ​​will all become future generals.

In this way, Bai Yu will become a prince in the future, and he will be respected among civil officials by virtue of himself, and he will be respected by military officials by virtue of his father's family. The status should not be underestimated, nor should the prestige be underestimated.

In addition, his appearance is the most beautiful man in Daxia.

Such a good boy who can't pick out any shortcomings, unexpectedly... had a crush on his eldest daughter when he was nine years old?

This is... unbelievable!
Why is it so like that you don't want to marry your little girl, so you made a nonsense excuse?
The old emperor's eyes sharpened, and he said coldly, "Do you know that the eldest princess is much older than you?"

The eldest princess is 22 years old now, and Bai Yu is only 16 years old, a full six years behind.

"I know."

"Your father once told me that you had someone you liked when you were nine years old. Don't tell me, that person is the eldest princess."

"It's the big princess."

"Lying in front of me is a crime of deceiving the emperor. You should think about it before you speak."

"Your Majesty, I didn't lie. When I was nine years old, in front of the palace gate, the moment when His Royal Highness the Princess raised the big tripod with both hands, I can't forget it. At that moment, she walked into the heart of the big tripod. The weight of the big tripod It’s too heavy, my heart is already full, and my heart is still full of Her Royal Highness’s heroic appearance at that time.”

So gross!Today's young people speak so nasty!The old emperor had goose bumps all over his body, and coughed dryly: "Seven years have passed, and the eldest princess has been guarding the border town for seven years, and there have been a lot of changes. You can be sure to see her again. She still occupied your whole heart in front of the palace gate back then." people?"

At that time, my eldest daughter was 15 years old, not long after she reached her age, and it was the most beautiful time for a girl. Seven years had passed, and the border city was so windy and sandy. I heard from those who were sent back that the eldest princess is now five big and three rough, with a vicious appearance.

Although he hadn't seen his daughter for seven years, the old emperor actually believed him a little bit.

Because he has always been a face control, not to mention that Wen Zhuangyuan focuses on a good-looking one, even Wu Zhuangyuan, he chooses the best-looking one.

But every time Hao Erlang who was selected went to the border town, and was called back to the imperial city to meet him a few years later, he couldn't recognize any of them.

The wind and sand in the border town made the skin on their faces rough, and the sun tanned them black and yellow. There was a lack of water, and they all turned into unhygienic rough men. The food there was easy to get fat. They were all martial arts practitioners with a big appetite. When they left the imperial city, they were sixteen or seventeen-year-old men, and they were just growing up. After being there for several years, all of them were extremely tall and burly.

In fact, he didn't dare to think about what his eldest daughter would look like now because of the wind and sand in the border town. After all, the girls in the border town are always much older than the girls in the Jiangnan generation.

"I ask you, if the eldest princess becomes ugly and her figure is not what she used to be, after all she is a martial artist, maybe she is bigger than the average man, you can still... like her?"

(End of this chapter)

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