Chapter 1166 A Small Horn (Twenty)
"Become a monk!" An old woman rushed in from outside and hugged Bai Yu, "My handsome grandson, please don't do anything stupid, you have such a beautiful face, if you have a bald head, what a shame! Ugly, no, absolutely no, grandma won't agree!"

Wang with a different surname: "..."

The old woman turned her head and glared at the Wang with a different surname: "Damn old man, you are ugly and have a bad heart. You can do the thing of beating a mandarin duck with a stick. Be careful and die!"

Wang with a different surname: "..." You are my wife, are you cursing me?
His face flushed red with anger, but he tightly pursed his lips and did not say a word.

He has been married for many years, and he knows his wife's temper. If he dares to talk back at this time, that day will not be over. For the next six months, no, the whole year, he will be tortured by the violent storm from his wife's anger.

The old woman went aside with her good-looking grandson in her arms, pushed him on the chair and sat down, brought him tea to drink, and brought cakes from the little maid behind her, "Come, eat something to calm your nerves, don't listen to you Grandfather's!"

Wang with a different surname: "..." His teeth itch, but he dare not speak.

The old woman snorted coldly: "Come and sit, what are you doing there?"

Wang, who was surnamed differently, walked over aggrieved.

The old woman pushed him down and sat on the chair opposite.

The old woman sat on the chair between the two of them and began to ask: "My dear grandson, the person you have had a crush on since you were nine years old is the eldest princess, not the little princess?"

Bai Yu nodded.

"No wonder, I think, why didn't you send a single letter to the palace in seven years."

Bai Yu pursed her lips.

The old woman stared suspiciously at her grandson's red ears, and suddenly asked, "Did you send the letter to the border?"

Bai Yu's face turned red.

The stern-faced Wang with a different surname was also surprised, and stared at his blushing grandson in surprise.

The old woman was suspicious: "You sent a letter to the border when you were nine years old?"

The matter could no longer be concealed, so Bai Yu nodded openly and confessed: "Yes, I sent a letter when I was nine years old."


Seven years ago, when Her Highness the Eldest Princess arrived at the border, a flying eagle from outside wrapped around the eagle she had raised for many years.

My own flying eagle was so annoying that I went up to peck the flying eagle.

The flying eagle was pecked and "falled" directly from the sky, and a high-end Pingci came.

Since then, she has been by the side of the eldest princess and pestered the flying eagle of the eldest princess from time to time.

When Her Royal Highness was applying medicine to it, she found a letter box. She was afraid it might be something urgent, so she had to open it first, and if it was something urgent, she would arrange for a letter to be delivered quickly.

Unexpectedly, this letter was actually written to himself.

It was written in the letter that he saw her holding a big tripod in front of the palace gate, and since then holding the tripod has occupied his heart...

And so on, very nasty words.

Her Royal Highness the Princess was very angry and thought she was a disciple.

After all, those who were lucky enough to witness her holding a big tripod in front of the palace gate were some veterans, and some high-ranking civil and military officials, most of whom were already married.

The eldest princess did not reply.

Feiying's injury healed, so he threw it out.

It is not pleasing to the eyes of its owner, nor is it pleasing to the eyes.

The flying eagle flew away, but it didn't take long for it to come again.

I didn't get a reply, but I still insisted on sending a letter every month.

The most heinous thing is that this flying eagle also abducted the flying eagle that she had raised for many years. I don't know when it quietly fell in love. Not long after it flew away, its own flying eagle became pregnant.

Originally, the eldest princess didn't let the flying eagle enter the house at all, but unfortunately, there was an internal thief (Flying Eagle) in the courtyard. In the end, every letter box that was delivered would be placed on her desk and forced to read.

(End of this chapter)

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