Chapter 1167 A Small Horn (21)

The chief eunuch left the sandy border town with ten male favorites who were not selected.

Just when the ten people were relieved that they were not selected, they saw two horses coming from the opposite side, passing by two horses, and on top of the horses was the most beautiful man who was famous in the imperial city.

When these ten people were in the imperial city, they were considered handsome men, but standing next to this most handsome man, they showed various shortcomings.

As the saying goes, one is afraid of comparison, and whoever is ugly is ashamed when standing together.

"It's Bai Yu?" The son of the Emperor Shang couldn't believe it, "Is he going to... a border town?"

The concubine of the Hou's Mansion looked back at the two men and two horses who had already run away, "This direction can only go to the border town, right?"

The eunuch narrowed his eyes. He kept listening to the old emperor's long sighs. He was afraid that the beautiful princess would turn into an ugly and strong man, so the man he found for her could have no literary talent or martial arts, or he could be an idiot, but he must have a pair of gold and jade. Good looks outside.

The most satisfying thing for His Majesty in the entire imperial city is the most beautiful man Bai Yu, but he is from a prominent family and cannot be touched.

But now... the appearance of the most beautiful man here means that His Majesty still couldn't hold back and moved the king with a different surname?
It's over, it's over, anyone who dares to touch a king with a different surname, isn't it all over, how can they move?
When the eunuch was very anxious, he saw a carriage driving slowly.

A familiar voice came from inside the carriage: "This number one handsome man is too impatient, he hastened so that he can see Her Royal Highness sooner."

Another shrill voice sounded: "After all, he has been secretly in love with Her Majesty the Princess for seven years. If he could fly, he would have already spread his wings and flew away."

"Tsk! His flying eagle would have flown there long ago!"

"That's true, hahaha..."

While the two were talking and laughing, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the two were surprised, and shouted at the same time: "Father!"

The eunuch wondered, "Why are you here?"

The little eunuch grinned, invited the big eunuch into the carriage, and then asked the most beautiful man to marry the princess. The old emperor set a difficult problem, asking him to be the champion of martial arts... A series of things poured out like beans.

The ten young masters who were eavesdropping outside the carriage were stunned and looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes.

Son of the Emperor Shang: "No way, Bai Yu actually begged to marry the Eldest Princess!"

The concubine of the Hou's Mansion: "I thought he liked the little princess. I heard that he rejected those girls who actively pursued him because he said he already had someone he liked."

The son of the servant of the Ministry of Rites: "What does he like about the eldest princess? A burly figure, a face like a beast, or that messy short hair?"

The son of a small official: "Ahem, please keep your voices down. No one can hear these words."

Although the ten people lowered their voices, the eunuch in the carriage still heard it and sneered.

Before he left the palace, the old emperor asked him to draw a picture of the current appearance of the eldest princess.

He met the princess in private, and saw the princess took off the mask. At that moment, even an old eunuch like him was overwhelmed by it. It was so beautiful, even a fairy is not so beautiful!

He touched the scroll on the back, thinking that His Majesty would be very happy when he saw it. His eldest princess did not become ugly because of the wind and sand in the border town.

Perhaps it was because Her Highness the Princess was afraid that her face would not be majestic enough, so she kept wearing a beast mask. This mask protected Her Highness from the wind and sand in the border town, so that she could keep her skin as tender as fat and as white as jade.


The two horses stopped outside the Daxia military camp, Bai Yu took out the imperial edict, and the guards immediately knelt down to receive the edict.

(End of this chapter)

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