Chapter 1169 A Small Horn (23)

Her Royal Highness was surprised: "Is there someone?"

When she first arrived in the border town, she made a fuss for her little maid, and wanted her to find a good husband, so that she would not waste her good time with her.

Who knows, after looking at this look for seven years, there are so many good men in the barracks, she didn't like any of them.

Unexpectedly, there are people now!

"In the barracks?" Her Royal Highness asked.

The little maid replied shyly, "No..."

"Be honest!" Her Royal Highness looked a little more serious, for fear that her little maid would be fooled by others.

He was obviously in the barracks all the time, how could he be abducted by people outside the barracks?
The little maid's face turned red, and she whispered.

It turned out that although the gentleman whom the little palace maid took a fancy to was not a soldier in the barracks, he was also closely related to the barracks. He was a businessman who provided quilts and cotton clothes to the barracks.

On a rainy day, all the quilts sent were wet.

Several truckloads of goods were rejected, and the businessman was disheartened and collapsed.

Seeing that he was really pitiful, the little maid said she would accept the things first, and only give half of the money, and after they were dried and weighed to make sure they were correct, she would give the other half.

The businessman was so grateful that half of the money was enough for him to go back and ask the doctor to save him.

He is a villager in a nearby village. He was originally a scholar, but his luck was too bad, and he suffered from diarrhea every time he went to the scientific examination.

I failed the exam year after year, and finally gave up.

He bought cotton in the village and started the business of cotton clothes and quilts.

This time I thought of doing business with the military camp because the old mother at home was sick and needed money urgently, and needed expensive medicinal materials to continue her life.

That's why they are sold to military camps in batches. In fact, doing business with military camps can only make small profits but make quick sales, and they don't make much money.

In order to thank the little palace lady, the businessman found some interesting gadgets and sent them. Later, every time he came to deliver goods, he would privately send some gadgets to the little palace lady.

As soon as they came and went, the two fell in love.

"He gets diarrhea every time he takes a scientific test?" Wan Niang asked.

The little palace lady nodded: "He said that he would feel sick to his stomach when he was nervous."

Wan Niang's husband is also a scholar, so he naturally knows that if he is too big in the examination room, he will be stamped with shit, and this paper will be disliked, and no examiner will even read it.

"Then he's out of luck."

The little palace maid nodded: "Yes, he is notoriously unlucky. In fact, not only is he unlucky in exams, but even when delivering goods to the barracks, he always encounters all kinds of unlucky things."

Wan Niang: "He should go to worship the Bodhisattva."

The little maid sighed: "No less worship."

Wan Niang: "It's all like this, don't you despise it?"

The little palace lady was shy: "He's actually pretty good now. Although there were some unexpected situations on the way to deliver the goods, it's nothing serious. I think it's okay. Who made me like him? I don't dislike him..."

Wan Niang: "It seems that you really like him. Back then, when I was strong, many people disliked me, but my man did not dislike me."

The little maid: "Isn't it! Actually he liked me first, hehe..."

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess didn't say a word, she quietly listened to the two of them chatting, and became thoughtful.

Is it like this to like a person?
Even if the other party has a lot of problems, you will feel that it is not a problem...

Her Royal Highness's gaze subconsciously fell on the claw of the flying eagle in her hand, which was tied with a letter box. In fact, she hadn't opened the letter box for a long time.

Today, I want to see what kind of nasty words that annoying guy wrote.

(End of this chapter)

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