Chapter 1170 A Small Horn (24)

——I have come to see you, my princess.

Her Royal Highness stood up abruptly, and looked at the content on the note in disbelief.

The voice of the little maid and Wan Niang stopped chatting, and she looked at Her Royal Highness in surprise.

The eldest princess took a deep breath, "You guys continue talking."

After that, the people went out.

The little maid wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Wan Niang: "Your Highness didn't let you follow, so don't go."

The little maid hesitated and asked, "I... shouldn't have said it."

She has been hiding it from the princess, but she is actually worried that if she finds the man she likes, Her Royal Highness will feel bad.

In fact, the other party asked her to marry her many times, but she always refused, and only wanted to wait for the marriage of Her Royal Highness to be settled before telling her own affairs.

But today, Her Royal Highness said that she wanted to match her with that fairy, but she really couldn't reach the top, and she was afraid that Her Royal Highness would make a mess, so she had no choice but to tell the truth.

Wan Niang sighed: "You can't keep it a secret, Your Highness wants to see you happy."

The little maid: "But I also want Her Royal Highness to be happy. I will not marry. If Her Royal Highness is not married for a day, I will not marry."

Wan Niang was startled: "You have people waiting for you?"

The little maid nodded.

"This is impossible, if you can't wait any longer, you are not afraid..."

The little maid lowered her eyes.

Afraid, must be afraid.

After all, he is the man he likes, who is not afraid of him empathizing with others.

After all, his mother's illness was good and bad, and he always wanted to get married earlier so that her mother could rest assured.

No way, she can't leave Her Highness the Princess.

In this city, Her Royal Highness the Princess is already lonely enough, she cannot leave by herself.


Her Royal Highness walked out of the military tent and did not leave, but stood outside to breathe, so she could hear the conversation between the two inside clearly.

She didn't expect the little maid to hide this matter, she just didn't want to leave her alone.

Her Royal Highness was in a complicated mood, and looked up at the sky, where two flying eagles were circling.

One is the one she has raised for many years, and the other is the foreign flying eagle, which won't leave.

Suddenly, the foreign eagle flew towards a person and landed on that person's shoulder.

The noon sun was a bit strong, and it hurt people's eyes.

The man stood there with a flying eagle resting on his shoulder, his face was even more beautiful against the backdrop of the ugly flying eagle.

This is the only person His Royal Highness has ever seen since she looked in the mirror.

Her Royal Highness: "..."

It seems that she has inherited her father's love of beauty, but in fact she is also a beautiful dog.

It's just that I am too beautiful, and I haven't met anyone who catches my eye over the years.

But at this moment, in her pupils, that person came into view and caught her eyes.

Look at that flying eagle again, sticking to that person affectionately, it is obvious that this person is the one who wrote the nasty letter.

Her Royal Highness lowered her head and looked at the words on the note again: I'm here to find you, My Highness Princess.

Yes, he is here.

As written on the note.

Bai Yu showed a smile, which he had practiced many times in front of the mirror. He wanted to make his first impression with his best appearance, because he heard that His Majesty specially finds beautiful men to send to the border town, so His Highness the Princess Must be a beauty lover.

He had never thought of seducing people with sex, but at this moment, he wanted her to be tempted by his appearance.

He walked slowly towards the general in armor. At this moment, she was wearing armor, a beast mask, short hair, and she couldn't see the appearance of her daughter's house at all.

But under those masks, the eyes staring at him attracted him deeply.

These are a pair of very bright eyes, with a dark circle around the pupils, and the bottom of the eyes reveals azure blue, as if the night sky is full of stars, bright and vast, all-encompassing.

One can't help being fascinated by such a pair of eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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