Chapter 1171 A Small Horn (25)

My "His Royal Highness, the last general came here by order to serve as the deputy general."

Bai Yu presented the emperor's imperial edict with both hands.

Her Royal Highness was silent for a moment, then stretched out her hand to take it, took a rough look, was shocked, raised her head, and there was a storm in her beautiful eyes, "Are you... Bai Yu?"

"Yes, the last general, Bai Yu."

The eldest princess remembered that on the palace, she met the grandson of Wang with a different surname, a nine-year-old boy who looked very cute.

The young man in front of me is the nine-year-old child?

Then he is only sixteen this year, right?

The eldest princess took a deep breath and asked, "This flying eagle belongs to your elder brother?"

"It was brought up by the end of the family, and it was never lent to others."

This is to make it clear that he has always been the one who sent the letter.

The eldest princess recalled when she received the first letter, she was fifteen at that time, and the other party was only...nine years old?
Writing such a nasty letter at the age of nine!Sure enough, he is a disciple!
The eldest princess threw the imperial decree on him, not looking at that beautiful face, and said coldly, "I don't need a lieutenant general, go back."

"Since you are here, the last general will not go back."

"court death!"

The eldest princess tried to show him his own violence and made him quit.

The fist pierced through the air, but the handsome boy in front of him easily dodged.

The eldest princess threw her fists again and again, but the other party avoided them all.

The body is dexterous and the steps are ethereal.

The eldest princess stopped and looked at him with a frown: "Your qinggong is pretty good."

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Highness." Suddenly, he showed a smile, which was a bit evil, and he lowered his voice, "The general's other skills are also remarkable."

He was worried that he would be outdone by those male favorites, so he ordered his subordinates to buy a lot of books on that subject, and read them hard.

Although he has never actually fought, he thinks that he is already a master.

Her Royal Highness: "..."

At first the eldest princess didn't think about it, she was still thinking about what other kung fu he said, but seeing his evil smile and ambiguous eyes, Her Royal Highness was in a bad mood!

This look, even if you don't want to be crooked!

Her Royal Highness the princess was very angry. From the correspondence, she could see that this person was a disciple. She never expected to meet, let alone hold back!

Time to fight!

The eldest princess punched again, trying to teach this bad boy a lesson!

Knowing his identity and his age, the eldest princess couldn't help but look at him with the eyes of an elder.

Bai Yu dexterously avoided the eldest princess's fist, and could still smile with a smile: "My Highness, you recognized me, right? But I asked Feiying to come here because I wanted you to recognize me..."

"Dengtuzi!" The eldest princess felt that she was a little incapable and furious now, because the opponent was too flexible, and she couldn't hit it with her punches.

Bai Yu: "Your Highness, it's my turn to make a move!"

Bai Yu, who had always been in an evasive posture, suddenly made a move, and reached out towards her mask, trying to take off her mask and see her true face.

What will the person he has been thinking about for seven years look like now, or will he look like he was in front of the palace back then?
"Bastard!" Her Royal Highness was furious, and the glove she was wearing suddenly shot out a silver needle.

Bai Yu dodged the silver needle, but failed to take off the mask.

"It is rumored that the wind and sand in the border town ruined the face of the princess, is it true?"

The eldest princess sneered: "So what?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't dislike it." Bai Yu laughed, and the light in his eyes was sincere and beautiful, "Your Highness, no matter what you become, you are the last general's heart."

(End of this chapter)

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