Chapter 1172 A Small Horn (26)



Her Royal Highness shouted angrily: "Shut up!"

Bai Yu grinned: "The last general is just speaking the truth."

He was born into a family of generals, and he was instilled in a thought by his father, grandfather and uncle since he was a child: Want a wife?Then you can't shame!Then you have to be able to say sweet words to make your daughter-in-law happy...

So although he seems to abandon literature and pursue martial arts, and looks like a scholar and modest son, in fact, he is still a rough guy at bottom.

Her Royal Highness the princess was very angry, it was fine that the person opposite was as slippery as a loach, but his mouth was babbling endlessly, and what he said was shameless!

"Your Highness, my heart for you was expressed in the first letter seven years ago, and I will never forget to convey my heart to you in every letter since then..."

"To shut up!"

There is no one more noisy than him in this world!

Her Royal Highness turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, this man was shameless and followed him, "Your Highness, the last general will be your lieutenant general, and I will be waiting for Her Royal Highness's orders at any time, no matter...anything."

"Get out! Get out of here immediately!"


Her Royal Highness: "?"

The man rolled forward on the ground, then stood up, patted the ashes, and then stuck to it with a smile, "Your Highness, I'm ready to roll."

Because of her rage before, Her Royal Highness couldn't help but blurt out "I".

Bai Yu followed suit and boldly called "I" in front of her.

Her Royal Highness: "..."

This kind of person, the eldest princess has never met.

He obviously has a beautiful face, but he is a shameless person!

The eldest princess took a deep breath, pulled the corners of her mouth under the mask, and showed a nasty smile, "It's very good, let's roll another hundred."

Bai Yu: "..."

"What? Why don't you go away?"

Bai Yu's face was helpless, and his eyes were full of doting: "Since Her Royal Highness wants to watch it, then I'll be a monkey to make you happy."

If the other party's eyes were humiliated, Her Royal Highness would feel very refreshed, but what kind of eyes is the other party's now?What's going on with eyes full of pampering!

The eldest princess lost interest in an instant, and waved her hand: "Forget it, I don't want to watch it!"

The eldest princess returned to the military tent, and thought that this person would stop outside the military tent, but she underestimated how shameless he was, and followed him in!

The little maid and Wan Niang in the military tent stared wide-eyed.

The little maid had already seen this "fairy" before, but she was still shocked when she saw it again, her heart beat faster and her eyes were fascinated.

Wan Niang felt that her old face was also a little red.

Wan Niang bumped the little maid with her shoulder, "You are not exaggerating, not exaggerating at all."

The little maid: "Let me just say it, this is a god, and you still say I'm exaggerating, believe it now."

Her Royal Highness didn't see the two guys who were bewitched by beauty, and said coldly, "You all go out."

The two hurriedly saluted and left.

Her Royal Highness glared at Bai Yu angrily: "And you, go out too!"

Bai Yu showed a humble and polite smile: "The general is worried that there will be assassins assassinating His Royal Highness, so the general will protect His Royal Highness personally, and stay inseparable."

The eldest princess picked up the jade pillow and threw it at it, roaring: "This is my princess's military tent, you get out of this princess, you bastard!"

Bai Yu hugged the jade pillow, "I will stand in the corner of such a big military tent, and I will never hinder Her Highness the Princess."

"Get out of my sight!" Her Royal Highness gritted her teeth angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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