Chapter 1176 A Little Horn (Thirty)
The maid twitched her mouth and sighed: "Princess, Mr. Bai's identity is not ordinary."

"I don't care what his identity is! I just like my happy life!"

"Princess, Xiaoyao may just be a book boy."

"A book boy is a book boy, even if he is a beggar, even if he is an old man, even if he is disabled, this princess still likes him! He and I are soul mates! You don't understand, Xiaoyao said in the story book that the world's most True love transcends everything, regardless of poverty or richness, beauty or and I are soulmates..."

Maid: "Princess, Your Majesty will not allow you to marry a book boy who writes a storybook."

"Hmph!" The little princess put her hands on her hips, angrily: "He is just an old fool. Back then, he wanted my sister to get married, which caused my sister to go to the border to fight for seven years! If he forced me..." The little princess rolled her eyes: "No, I can't wait for him to force me, I have to go now! I'm going to the border now! I'm going to find my Xiaoyao!"

The maid was sweating profusely: "Princess, think twice!"

"If you are disobedient, I will kill you! Hurry up and pack up your things, hurry up and go with me!"


The entourage who was creating a new story book had an itchy nose and sneezed. His new work was "Forced Love by Overbearing Girls".

As everyone knows, a domineering little princess is about to come to the border town to force love!
When he finished writing, he handed both hands to Bai Yu, "Master, this book is absolutely pure, don't worry, there is no hand in hand."

Bai Yu nodded in satisfaction, and took the storybook to find Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.


Her Royal Highness the Princess had just finished practicing the knife, and took off her armor to prepare to change clothes.

Suddenly, the military tent was lifted.

"Get out!" Her Royal Highness threw the sweat-wiping handkerchief over.

Bai Yu's eyes were covered by the veil, but with a glimpse, he saw the snow-white slender arms.

He thought there would be strong arms under the armor, but he didn't expect it to be like that... slender, white, smooth...

A stream of heat slid through the crowd.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was bloody.

Bai Yu withdrew from the military tent and hurried back.

The entourage stayed up all night writing scripts, and just about to fall asleep, he saw his young master come back with blood all over his face.

Could it be that she was beaten by the princess?
Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a nosebleed!
The follower's head, which was used to write the storybook, immediately diverged his thinking and fantasized about it!

Young Master and Your Highness... Hehehe...

Bai Yu washed off the blood on his face, looked up and saw the wretched smile of the attendant, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at! It's already ugly enough, now it's even uglier!"

The attendant touched his face, helplessly: "Standing next to the young master, I am that green leaf, so naturally I look ugly! But, I am among the crowd, and I am also a handsome young man who stands out from the crowd!"

Bai Yu didn't want to talk to him, and continued to think about how to court Her Highness the Princess.

The entourage was completely sleepy, and leaned over, giggling: "Master, did you see something you shouldn't have seen just now?"

Bai Yu glared at him: "Don't talk, you're annoying!"

Follower: "Sending the chat book is the first step. It has moved her heart. At least she will understand some of the relationship between men and women because of the chat book. There is a second step. Do you want to listen, young master?"

Bai Yu's eyebrows moved slightly, but she still waved her hand: "You don't need to teach me, I can do it myself."

The entourage pouted and complained: "Your method is to write letters to people for seven years, and you haven't caught up with them yet."

Bai Yu glared at him, but said nothing.

The entourage giggled: "Master, send flowers, send flowers every day, and suddenly one day, you don't send them, and she turns to you and asks why you suddenly don't send them."

(End of this chapter)

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