Chapter 1177 A Small Horn (31)

The next day, Bai Yu picked a handful of the most colorful wild flowers from the mountain and sent them to the military tent.

Her Royal Highness took it and threw it out.

Bai Yu: "..."

Seeing the injury in Bai Yu's beautiful eyes, Her Royal Highness didn't want to explain, but she still couldn't bear it.

Her Royal Highness said with a cold face, "Poisonous flowers."

Bai Yu: "..."

Bai Yu was so ashamed that she picked up the flowers and ran away.

After looking at it, the military doctor selected five flowers among them: "These five flowers are slightly poisonous."

Bai Yu returned to his residence with a dark face, his attendant's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What's going on?"

"It's not good." Bai Yu said angrily, "The flower is poisonous, so it was thrown away."

The entourage blinked, and after reacting, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he grinned loudly.

His young master's way of chasing his wife is far away~

The little princess disguised herself as a man and traveled all the way to the border town.

"Grand... son, can you take off the jewels on your head, and the ones on your belt, you are calling someone to rob you so clearly!"

The little princess was dressed in men's clothes, she was a flamboyant dandy, wearing a hat with an emerald inlaid on the brim, which was big and round.

The little princess touched the green on her head, and smiled: "Don't be afraid, my son is very skilled in martial arts, just wait for them to come and rob you! I'm going to cheat! Hehehe..."

Palace Maid: "..."

Afraid of what to come, the road was blocked by people.

The maid trembled.

The little princess stepped forward fiercely: "Let me tell you, my master is a great general. I am very skilled in martial arts. If you dare to rob me, you will seek death!"

Seeing the little princess who was thrown to the ground with one move, the maid covered her eyes, she couldn't see it!

In the palace, those little eunuchs dared to fight the princess, every time the princess "killed the world", it was those little eunuchs who acted!The princess really thought she was a master?

The little princess was lying on the ground, unable to get up for a long time, with tears in her eyes: "Bold, if you dare to throw me, I will cut you off!"

Incompetent, pitiful, with tears in his eyes, and no Adam's apple, the three robbers immediately realized that this was a girl!

"Yo, little girl~" A robber rubbed his hands together, "You look pretty fresh!"

"Why don't you try it?"

"Hey hey hey..."

The three of them surrounded her, and the palace maid went mad and rushed over to stand in front of the little princess: "How dare you! You want to die! Do you know who she is!"

The entourage asked someone to send the story book to the imperial city. Passing by here, I happened to see this scene. I didn't want to be nosy. This kind of exaggeratedly dressed guy deserves to be robbed, but when I heard that this is a woman, then It's not just about losing money, it's about not being able to stand idly by.

The entourage issued three hidden weapons and kicked a strong man away with one kick.

From the perspective of the little princess, when the sun sets and the sky is full of rays of light, he is like a hero who appears on auspicious clouds...

The little princess stared at her savior obsessively, "Senpai, what's your name?"

The entourage thought about it, but didn't give his real name, so he used a pseudonym perfunctorily, "My servant, Xiaoyao."

The little princess screamed and suddenly rushed towards him.

The follower was stunned!
He didn't even have time to react, he didn't expect this girl to be so courageous, she really threw herself into his arms, and... so soft, so fragrant!

The attendant didn't know where to put his hands. He raised his hands high, as if surrendering, and his voice stammered: "Girl... calm down, it's the first time we meet, you are so... so unreserved."

(End of this chapter)

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