Chapter 1186 A Small Horn (Forty)
Bai Yu sat on the seat where the beautiful boy had just sat, poured the wine poured by the beautiful boy casually, and refilled a glass himself, "Your Highness, drink."

Her Royal Highness did not answer.

Bai Yu smiled: "Then I'll drink it!"

Her Royal Highness's eyelids twitched.

"I don't know what I will do when I drink alcohol~"

Her Royal Highness: "..."

Bai Yu poured a cup into his throat, and smiled: "I found that when I drink alcohol, my strength will increase."

Her Royal Highness frowned.

Bai Yu continued to laugh, and the smile became brighter and brighter: "Yesterday, before I came to your military tent to look for you, I drank the wine in the wine gourd. I."

Bai Yu poured another glass of wine and took a sip, "Your Highness, if I had known the wine was so good, I should have drunk it every day!"

He reached out to grab the hand of Her Royal Highness, but Her Royal Highness avoided it.

"Your Highness, we have kissed before, why can't we hold hands?"

He raised his head, his eyes were clouded, and another glass of wine fell into his throat.

Bai Yu was a little dissatisfied with drinking one cup at a time, but picked up the jug and drank it.

The flagon was empty, and he threw it away.

Suddenly approaching His Royal Highness the Princess, he reached out to take off her mask, "Your Highness, the mask is not as good as yours, let me see how you are?"

Her Royal Highness blocked Bai Yu's hand and said coldly, "You are drunk."

"Are you drunk? It's good to be drunk. When I'm drunk, I can do what I've always wanted to do."

He reached out his hand again, but this time Her Royal Highness didn't block her, and he forcibly took off the mask.

Looking at the angry face of His Royal Highness, Bai Yu smiled unkindly: "Your Highness, this is very good. I found that the stronger your strength, the more obedient you will be."

"You are courting death."

"Hey, Your Highness always scares me, but never actually hurts me."

Her Royal Highness: "..."

"It's always scaring people, but gradually, it's not scary anymore!" Bai Yu leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Your Highness, you are so sweet."

The eldest princess punched her, but the fist was wrapped in his palm, and he deliberately rubbed her hand.

"Your Highness, calm down."

"Bai Yu, enough is enough."

"I don't want to? Your Highness really wants those soldiers to beat me with military sticks? Or, His Highness really wants to cut me off?"

He moved his Adam's apple closer, "Come on, His Highness kills me, I am willing to die in His Highness's hands!"

"Stay away from me." The eldest princess stretched out her hand and pushed.

But the damn bastard is like a welded iron bump, and he can't push it away.

He pursed his lips and said vaguely: "Your Highness, love me, don't hurt others, only love me..."

Her Royal Highness: "..."

She closed her eyes, she really didn't see this bastard who got drunk after a pot of wine.

Maybe it was because he didn't drink alcohol before, so Bai Yu got drunk whenever he drank, and the quality of the wine was extremely poor.

He stretched out his arms, stretched out his arms, and hugged Her Royal Highness, "Your Highness, I like you so much, I really like you..."

He closed his eyes, rested his head on her neck, and repeated in his mouth: "I like you so much...I like you so much..."

Hearing the sound of even breathing beside her ears, Her Royal Highness pushed the man away and looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Come here, send him back to the imperial city."


When Bai Yu woke up, he was in the rickety carriage.

Lifting the curtain of the carriage and looking out, he instantly became sober.

"Stop! Stop now!"

The coachman didn't listen to him, but speeded up instead.

"Are you forcing me to jump out of the car?"

"Your Highness ordered you not to stop until you reach the imperial city. I'm sorry, Mr. Bai." The coachman sighed and accelerated his speed again.

Bai Yu laughed back angrily: "Your Highness, Your Highness, do you think you can get rid of me? Impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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