Chapter 1187 A Small Horn (41)

On the second day after Bai Yu left, Her Royal Highness felt that the barracks was too quiet, as if she was used to the noise of that man, her ears became clear all of a sudden, which made her uncomfortable.

The little princess and Xiaoyao are still you and me. They go up the mountain to pick flowers when they have nothing to do, and they hide in the grove and kiss me and me.

On this day, the little princess was bitten several times by mosquitoes. Coincidentally, they were all on her face.

The little princess covered her face with a veil, but when the wind blew, her face was exposed again. She felt unsafe, so she asked her sister to borrow a mask.

Her Royal Highness has prepared many gluttonous masks for her to use.

The little princess wore a mask to scare Xiaoyao on purpose, and it really bluffed him.

Knowing that it was the little princess, Xiaoyao complained, "My Highness, I thought it was the eldest princess, and I was almost scared to death."

"Is my sister so scary?" The little princess tilted her head.

Xiaoyao thought for a while: "It's not scary, but it's very majestic and makes people not easy to get close to."

The little princess pursed her lips: "Sister was not like this before, she was very gentle, when did she start to change..." The little princess sighed softly: "It seems that since the first fiancé passed away unexpectedly, my sister has become reticent Afterwards, after one term after another passed away, my sister said even less."

Xiaoyao frowned: "You can't blame Her Royal Highness for this."

"I can't blame my sister, but my sister will inevitably blame herself." The little princess rolled her eyes and lowered her voice: "Tell me, is there a possibility that my sister deliberately restrained her emotions because she was worried about your son's accident?"

Happy and thoughtful.

The little princess: "Think about it, your son is good-looking, and my sister likes good colors, there is no reason not to like him."

Xiaoyao sighed: "Actually, the old prince doesn't want the young master and the eldest princess to be together, and he is also worried about this. After all, the first five are all dead, and none of them survived."

"Actually, I've always thought it was very strange." The little princess said suddenly.

Xiaoyao squinted his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"My sister's first fiancé was drowned. Not long after, his house was ransacked and destroyed." The little princess nodded Xiaoyao's forehead, "Don't you think it's strange that you write a storybook?"

Those who write the story book can't help but think too much. Now that the little princess has said this, they can't help but think deeply.

What if I knew it would be destroyed?Will the golden cicada escape its shell?

What if you love Her Royal Highness and regard Her Royal Highness as something in your pocket?Will he eradicate all those who compete with him?
Xiaoyao made a bold guess, "If he is alive, then the last four fiancés of Her Royal Highness should have died in his hands."

The little princess looked around for a while, leaned closer to Xiaoyao, and whispered in his ear: "Actually, I always thought that if my sister didn't return to the imperial city, I guessed something."

Xiaoyao: "Why don't we talk to the eldest princess?"

The little princess struggled: "But this is just my guess..."

Xiaoyao: "What you can think of, maybe someone else will think of it, such as Your Highness the Great Princess."

Finally, the little princess nodded and agreed.


Her Royal Highness looked at the inkstone on the table in a daze, remembering that on weekdays, that stern-faced guy had already run over to help her grind the ink, and while grinding it, he said something, and his mouth seemed to never stop.

Now, that person should have almost reached the imperial city, right?
"Sister?" A small head poked in and called out in a low voice.

"Yan'er, do you need me?"

"Yes, sister, are you busy?"

"It's okay, come in."

Her Royal Highness the little princess waved, and Xiaoyao followed him in.

The little princess lowered her voice: "Sister, can you let the people outside go further away? I have something important to tell you."

Her Royal Highness nodded and asked the guards outside to leave ten meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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