Chapter 1188 A Small Horn (42)

The little princess told her sister her guess, but there was no surprise or surprise on her face.

"Sister, you guessed it too, right?"

Her Royal Highness lowered her eyes, "Four years ago, I fought against a masked man from a foreign country. That man's skills were mysterious and unpredictable. I was almost defeated by him. In the end, I broke his tendons, but I couldn't." Kill him and let him escape."

"I feel familiar with this person."

Hearing this, the little princess's eyes widened in disbelief: "Sister, you mean, that person is... the son of the Marquis of Zhennan back then?"

The eldest princess nodded: "It's possible."

The little princess hesitated for a moment, but still asked cautiously: "Does my sister still have feelings for him?"

After all, this Zhennan Hou Shizi is the cousin of His Royal Highness the Princess.

The queen was afraid that the emperor would let her daughter get married or marry her indiscriminately, so she discussed with her natal family and settled the marriage.Calculated, this is a child relationship, and Her Royal Highness was only five years old at that time.

"Feelings?" Her Royal Highness sneered, "I haven't seen this cousin since my mother's death. The Hou's house was ransacked and destroyed, and I deserved it. I used my mother's name to oppress the people, privately sold military rations, and sold ironware to foreigners." , and even gave birth to a different intention to seek the court and usurp the throne, and he will not be punished for his death."

"Sister, those four people may have been killed by him."

Her Royal Highness nodded: "There is a possibility."

So before killing him, Her Royal Highness didn't think about finding her sixth fiancé.

Everyone thought that she could leave the border and return to the imperial city long ago, but she knew in her heart that she could not leave unless that guy died. Far away in the imperial city, distant water cannot save near fire.

"Sister, did he hate the royal family, that's why he joined the enemy camp?"

"Hate? In Zhennan Hou's mansion, which one died innocently?"

"Maybe...the women in the backyard don't know about the things the men are doing to usurp the throne."

"My sister, you are so naive." Her Royal Highness tapped the mosquito lump on her sister's face lightly.

"Ah! Sister!" The little princess scratched the mosquito block and looked at her sadly.

Your Royal Highness: "With a stack of sparrow tongues, how many sparrows do you have to kill, but you only eat the tongues. With a stack of fish face meat, how many carp do you have to kill, and only eat the meat from the faces. Those women in the backyard of the Marquis Mansion live extravagantly, don't they?" Do you know how much the Marquis’s salary is every year? Don’t you know that their expenses far exceed the annual income of the Marquis’s Mansion? They have a clear mind.”

"I haven't eaten so well!" The little princess swallowed.

Her Royal Highness: "..." Is this the point?
The little princess: "It's a pity that I didn't go to the Hou's mansion to have a meal before."

Her Royal Highness: "..."

The little princess sighed: "I won't have a chance to eat it in the future. What a waste, I don't think I'll be able to eat a stack full of tongues and a stack full of fish cheeks."

Xiaoyao coughed dryly and lowered his voice: "I have some private property, and I opened a restaurant. I can add a few more dishes, such as headless fried chicken, such as fish fillet soup, fish bone soup."

The little princess blinked at him.

Xiaoyao's face flushed, and he said softly, "The sparrow tongue and fish cheek meat are reserved for you, the princess, and the rest can be used for other dishes, so it won't be wasted."

The little princess rushed over and hugged him, "Xiaoyao, you are so kind to me!"

Her Royal Highness: "..." I'm still here!
Xiaoyao felt the oppressive gaze of His Royal Highness, and hurriedly lowered his voice: "Your Highness is still here."

The little princess hurriedly sat down, looked at her sister with a giggle, and softly called out: "Sister."

Her Royal Highness shook her head: "You should think about how to get father to agree to this marriage. The ten-day period is coming, and you should go back to the imperial city."

(End of this chapter)

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