Chapter 1189 A Small Horn (43)

The little princess grabbed Xiaoyao's hand tightly, "I don't want to separate from him!"

Xiaoyao lowered his head, feeling bitter in his heart.

He is no longer a slave, but how can a humble him be worthy of the current princess.

"Sister, let's stay in the border town?"

Her Royal Highness looked at her disapprovingly, "Escape is not the way."

The little princess gritted her teeth: "I'll kill first and play later!"

Her Royal Highness frowned.

Xiaoyao's heart skipped a beat.

The little princess: "Xiaoyao and I paid homage directly in the border town. We cooked raw rice and cooked rice. When we got pregnant and gave birth to a baby, the three of us went back to the palace to meet the emperor with the baby in our arms!"

Her Royal Highness: "Father will directly kill Xiaoyao, imprison you, and then raise the child under his knees."

Little Princess: "...No way?"

Her father doesn't seem to be such a person, is it too cruel?

Xiaoyao trembled.

"Sister, don't scare me. Father loves me very much. He won't treat me like this?"

"Isn't it?"

Her Royal Highness sneered: "Then, if I hadn't gone out to fight back then and killed me who came here as an envoy, do you think I would be pushed out to get married in the end?"

The little princess frowned, and for the first time began to think about what kind of person her father was.

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess said quietly: "He is a good father, there is nothing wrong with it, compared with several ancestors in the past, his attitude towards the princess is considered good."

In the eyes of the previous generations of emperors, the princess was nothing at all, and they didn't even look straight at it. She was just a little brat who was randomly raised in the harem. generate value.

Therefore, the princesses of the previous generations rarely ended well. They were either used to win over generals who held military power, or they were used to make peace.

The little princess looked at Xiaoyao, then at her sister, her eyes turned red in an instant, "Then...then Xiaoyao and I can't be together?"

"Father will not shame the royal family." Her Royal Highness looked at Xiaoyao: "If you are white, it is absolutely impossible for you to be the princess. Now, in the eyes of Father, you are a villain who confuses the princess and must be killed. "

"Royal father... no way." The little princess burst into tears, but she already believed her sister's words in her heart.

"Back then, my life as Kefu was not given by my father." Her Royal Highness sighed quietly: "After the death of the second fiancé, he can stop and stop finding me a fiancé. Oh, he You already guessed the reason, just using me."

"Sister means... the emperor also knows that the son of the Marquis of Zhennan is not dead? Then he gives you marriages again and again, is he trying to lure the son of the Marquis of Zhennan out?"

The little princess covered her mouth, more and more tears poured down her big eyes.

She couldn't believe it, not at all.

But the person who said all this was her elder sister, her most trusted elder sister, which meant that all this was true.

It's all true!

Why did the emperor do this!
Obviously love my sister so much!

Xiaoyao stretched out his arms to embrace the little princess, she was already crying and trembling.

The little princess threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.

Her Royal Highness looked at this scene helplessly, "Don't be afraid, you have me, don't cry anymore, I won't let him tear you apart."

The little princess cried even more sadly.

I have a sister, but what about my sister?

How sad should my sister who guessed all this back then be?

Did your sister cry back then?

She finally understood why her sister went to the battlefield.

Because my sister wanted military power from the very beginning!
If you want to control your destiny, you must get the corresponding power!
(End of this chapter)

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