Chapter 1196 A Little Horn (Fifty)
With the little princess' explanation, Wan Niang quickly understood everything.

"I can't betray the eldest princess." Wan Niang shook her head.

The little princess was in a hurry: "Don't be fooled! If my sister goes out to fight, it will be very dangerous!"

Wan Niang was a little shaken: "If something happens to Mr. Bai, Her Royal Highness will feel bad."

"That's why we have to have full confidence before going to war, and you are the only one left."

In the end, Wan Niang was persuaded.

Because even if she doesn't help, these people have already planned to do it without telling the princess, without themselves, they may fail, and Wanniang doesn't want to bear this kind of scapegoat.


After receiving the letter of challenge, the man wearing a white faceless mask with no facial features smiled.

"Cousin, are you sure you can defeat me?"

"Are you going to fight?" asked a Gentile League participant.

"The book of war has already been issued. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me not to fight?"

"Are you sure you will win?"

The prince of Zhennan Hou moved his wrist and smiled: "My injury has healed, and what my cousin has learned is only superficial. The real skills of the Zhennan Hou's mansion can only be learned by the sons. If you don't let her, you think Can she hurt me?"

"But... she was born with supernatural power."

"Divine power?" Zhennan Hou Shizi sneered: "It's just stupid strength like a bull."

The brave warriors of the foreign countries felt offended, because most of them relied on their strength and did not have too many fancy tricks.

Zhennan Hou Shizi's cold eyes swept over everyone's faces: "When I catch General Zhentian, the next thing will be left to you."

"Haha, of course, leave it to us!"

"Without General Zhentian, those Daxia soldiers are just vegetables in the field, they can be harvested at will!"


The horns of war sounded—

In the military tent of His Royal Highness the eldest princess, she was still fast asleep without being awakened.

When a man with short hair, armor, and gluttonous mask appeared on a tall horse, the soldiers cheered loudly, and everyone thought that this was General Zhentian.

The two armies confront each other and will fight against each other.

The two generals fought from their respective barracks, rode to the middle of the yellow sand area, and faced each other.

Zhennan Hou Shizi let out a laugh: "Cousin, long time no see."

Under the mask of Taotie, Bai Yu's face was icy cold, and he said, "Your Majesty the Marquis of Zhennan, have you stopped hiding your identity?"

His voice was that of His Royal Highness the Princess, calm and calm.

Zhennan Hou Shizi shrugged: "In the last battle, my tricks were enough to make my cousin recognize me, so why should I hide it in front of my cousin?"

Bai Yu's voice was cold: "Your hand is alright?"

Zhennanhou Shizi raised his long spear to volley in the air and played with it. He used one hand, which was the hand that broke his tendon last time.

"Cousin, look, how am I recovering?"

"Very well, then this battle, I don't count as bullying." Bai Yu said lightly.

Zhennan Hou Shizi: "Cousin really thinks that I am your defeated general?"

"Last time, it's impossible for you not to see that I let you go many times, just because I was afraid of hurting you."

"Heh." Bai Yu sneered.

Zhennan Hou Shizi: "Cousin, you should not have forgotten that I am your fiance. As long as you behave well, I will take care of you and I will treat you well."

"To be honest, I really don't want to hurt you at all. After all, every part of your body is mine. I don't want the bride to have scars all over her body during the wedding night."

"Shut up!" Bai Yu waved his sword, unable to listen anymore.

In a battle between two generals, whoever gets irritated and moves first will already be at a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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