Chapter 1197 A Small Horn (51)

The big knife was blocked by the spear, and Zhennan Hou Shizi laughed loudly: "Cousin, your temper is not steady!"

"Cousin, all your kung fu comes from the Zhennanhou Mansion. I know every move you make better than you. Are you sure you can beat me?"

"Don't be stupid, if I don't let you, you will be injured and defeated."

"Cousin, I really don't want to hurt you."

"Shut up, you!" Bai Yu swung his knife away.

Zhennanhou's son came to block with his spear, but found that it was just a feint. The sword turned around and slashed at his waist.

Zhennan Hou Shizi almost didn't react, he had to jump off his horse to avoid this move.

The prince of Zhennan Hou wanted to get on the horse again, but Bai Yu would not give him this chance. After the sword was cut empty, he slashed the sword down with his backhand, and chopped it on the bloody horse.

BMW was frightened and hurt, howled miserably, turned around and ran away.

Sitting on the tall horse, Bai Yu condescendingly looked down on Prince Zhennan Hou who had lost his horse, and asked with a smile, "Do you still think you will win now?"

Zhennan Hou's son cast down his eyes, gloomy.

This sword technique was something he had never seen before.

Presumably, after the last battle, the eldest princess relearned martial arts.

"I'd like to see what you've relearned in the past few years."

"Okay, let me show you the princess' talent in martial arts!"

Zhennan Hou Shizi ran up, jumped up, and stood on the back of Bai Yu's war horse, and the two fought against each other on horseback.

The long knife swings, the long spear blocks, the long spear strikes, and the big knife swings away.

There are hundreds of tricks one after another, but they are evenly tied.

Zhennan Hou Shizi became more and more frightened.

"In just a short period of time, your sword skills have been practiced to perfection! If I'm not mistaken, this is the Bai family's sword skills?"


"I heard that the dog emperor is going to give you a marriage again, and the marriage partner is a child of the Bai family? It seems to be of the blood of a different surname?"

"It's true. We'll get married when we kill you!"

"Hehe, cousin, don't forget, I'm not dead yet! You belong to me! If anyone dares to rob you, the fate of your four fiances will be the fate of the children of the Bai family! Cousin, I will definitely die today!" Capture you, don't choose another day, get married when you go back, and have a bridal chamber tonight! Hahaha..."

He laughed wildly and arrogantly, his eyes were revealing and possessive.

Bai Yu just felt disgusted, and was glad that it was fortunate that he came to fight, not His Highness.

He didn't want his eldest princess to be disgusted by this person.

"Today is a good day, but it's not suitable for marriage, it's suitable for burial! Why don't you let today be your death day, what do you think?"

"Cousin, when did your mouth become so annoying? If you say something that makes me unhappy, I think I can only marry a dumb bride tonight. The tongue is a good thing, but my cousin doesn't need it."

"Then see if you have the ability to take my tongue!"

The big knife was raised high, and it was slashed heavily——

Zhennan Hou Shizi was shocked.

In fact, he already had some doubts about the opponent's identity. Because he was wearing a mask and short hair, he could only preliminarily confirm that the opponent was the eldest princess, but the tricks were wrong, and it was impossible to practice the sword technique to such a level in a short period of time.

But now that he cut it down with a single knife that seemed to contain ten thousand catties of strength, he no longer doubted it.

There is only one person in Daxia who can have such divine power.

Only the Great General Zhentian and Her Royal Highness the Great Princess herself, there can be no other people.

Zhennan Hou Shizi dodged the knife in embarrassment, and exhaled: "Cousin, your strength is stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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