Chapter 1198 A Small Horn (52)

Because of this knife, the two people who were originally tied had a difference between top and bottom, and because of this, they did not fight together anymore and separated temporarily.

At the same time, there was a sound of breaking through the air——

Zhennan Hou Shizi, who narrowly dodged the sword just now, felt a chill in his heart. When he looked up, the long arrow was close at hand!

Zhennan Hou Shizi cursed and stretched out his hand to block it.

The long arrow pierced through the armor, pierced the flesh, and pierced hard into his arm.

Bai Yu sat on a tall horse with contempt in his eyes, "Born into the family of a general, don't you even understand the principle of never being deceitful in warfare? It seems that you should go back and read more military books."

"However, it seems that you don't have this chance today, and you can only go to the underworld to see it."

"Cousin, why do you have an extra tongue?" Prince Zhennan pulled out the long arrow pierced into his arm, blood spurted out instantly, and fell on the hot yellow sand on the ground, emitting steam.

"Even if you have a helper! In this battle, do you want to win me with the Bai family's sword skills? I have been in a foreign country for many years, and it is not without gain!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhennan Hou Shizi took a slap drum from his waist.

Tap the drum lightly——

From under the yellow sand, countless scorpions climbed up, densely packed...

The slapping rhythm of Zhennanhou Shizi became faster and faster, and more and more scorpions appeared, surrounding the war horses.

"Cousin, I remember that you were most afraid of these snakes, insects, rats and ants when you were a child. You would scream every time, but now that you have really grown up, you are not afraid at all when you see so many scorpions."

Bai Yu sneered: "Unexpectedly, you have been with these things for so many years? Why didn't you become a scorpion? Oh, yes, you are cold-hearted, and you are similar to this cold-blooded animal! Even a scorpion is better than you. Be noble!"

Zhennan Hou Shizi sneered: "Now that things have happened, you have been surrounded, and you are still stubborn. I see how long you can hold on."

A poisonous needle from the tail of a poisonous scorpion has penetrated the horse's leg.

The four legs of the horse are covered with scorpions, climbing up little by little.

"Cousin, beg for mercy now, I'll make them stop."

"No need."

Bai Yu raised his head and drank the wine in the wine gourd in one gulp.

"Cousin likes to drink? There is a kind of fine wine in a foreign country, and it tastes good. Let's use the fine grape wine as a drink tonight, how about it?"

"Shut up, you!" Bai Yu threw the empty wine gourd over.

Zhennan Hou Shizi tilted his head away, and laughed wildly: "Cousin, don't hold on."

Bai Yu jumped off the horse, stepped on the scorpion, and died.

This place is full of scorpions, so just step on them to death!
When he stepped down, it was a huge force, and those scorpions had no time to resist, and they were already crushed to the ground.

Zhennanhou's son beat the drum faster, and those scorpions gathered in groups. Even if some of them were trampled to death, it was only a small part of them, almost insignificant.

The scorpion climbed up Bai Yu's feet and climbed up the armor.

Bai Yu mobilized the internal energy of his body, shook off the scorpions on his body, and swung the sword. Under the blade, everyone died, and the surrounding area was temporarily emptied, but soon new scorpions crawled over, continuously.

"I'd like to see how many scorpions you have!" Bai Yu used his internal force to his heart's content, and used his internal force to shock the scorpions to death.

"Then let's see how much internal energy you still have! See if your internal energy is exhausted first, or my scorpion will die first." Zhennan Hou Shizi's voice was calm, but his face under the mask became a little dignified.

He didn't expect that Her Highness the Eldest Princess had such profound inner strength.

It's not the internal strength that a person in his early twenties should have.

Even for a centenarian, it is difficult to have such deep inner strength.

(End of this chapter)

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