Chapter 1199 A Small Horn (53)

Wan Niang shot arrows at the city wall and attacked Zhennan Hou Shizi, but Zhennan Hou Shizi had been wary of her for a long time, and now it is not easy to sneak attack.

Wan Niang had no choice but to switch to Huo Gong, wrapping the arrows in tarpaulin and igniting them, and the burning arrows rained down on the poisonous scorpions on the ground.

But the speed of anti-virus scorpions is far inferior to their climbing speed...

The little princess looked at all this with clairvoyance, and her heart was tense: "What kind of magic did the prince of Zhennan Hou learn in a foreign country! Can Bai Yu... still win?"

Xiaoyao borrowed clairvoyance to look around, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"The young master's internal energy is deep, because before the ancestors of the Bai family passed away, all the internal energy would be passed on to the direct descendants of the family. But even if there are hundreds of years of internal energy, it is not enough to consume like this..."

"If he loses and is found to be a fake, Zhennan Hou Shizi will definitely kill him!" The little princess said anxiously: "I must wake up my sister, maybe she has a way!"

Xiaoyao hesitated a little, the young master didn't want the eldest princess to make a move.

But in the current situation, if the eldest princess doesn't wake up, the young master may exhaust his internal energy and let others slaughter him.

Xiaoyao: "The only way is to wake her up."

Xiaoyao took out a bottle of antidote.


The little princess fed the antidote to the eldest princess, and not long after, the person who had slept so deeply trembled his eyelashes and gradually woke up.

"Sister, you're awake!" the little princess said excitedly.

Her Royal Highness narrowed her eyes, recalling everything before she fell into a coma.

One kiss, and she passed out?
It seems that Bai Yu painted something on his lips.

Her Royal Highness's complexion was not very good-looking, and she looked at the little princess quietly: "Are you also an insider?"

The little princess didn't dare to look at her sister, and lowered her head.

"Sister, I was wrong, I'm sorry..."

Her Royal Highness's voice was cold and repulsive: "What are you planning, what is the purpose of making me dizzy?"

The little princess didn't dare to hide anything, and told their plan in detail.

Her Royal Highness's face became even colder: "Very sure? You are so stupid."

If it was only in this way that she could be very sure, why did she bother guarding the border town for so many years, she would have killed the prince of Zhennan Hou long ago!
Bai Yu looks smart, but he just has a smart face and a stupid stomach!

No amount of anger will help right now.

Her Royal Highness stood up and put on the gluttonous mask.

"I'm going to fight. If Bai Yu and I are dead and Daxia's strength is exhausted, don't go back to the imperial city. Run as far as you can with Xiaoyao and hide."

"Sister..." The little princess stretched out her hand to pull her.

Her Royal Highness, however, avoided it.

The little princess hung her head down, feeling extremely uncomfortable, her sister really annoyed her.


Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess rode out of the city on a tall horse with a spear in hand.

When Zhennan Hou Shizi saw the second man with short hair, armor and gluttonous mask who came over, he was a little stunned.

Her Royal Highness asked, "Guess, am I real, or is he real?"

Zhennanhou Shizi's eyes were dark, and he looked back and forth between the two of them.

If No.1 is fake, how to explain that natural power?

The second person also seems to be real...

"Then let me try your strength!"

Zhennan Hou Shizi came over with a long spear, and Her Royal Highness also used a long spear. The spears touched each other, and the tricks were almost similar.

They are all the marksmanship of the Zhennanhou Mansion.

Zhennan Hou Shizi narrowed his eyes slightly, judging from his marksmanship, this person is His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

He slashed away with a spear in the air, using all his strength, if he was weak, he would definitely be unable to stop it.

As a result, the other party blocked him and bounced him away with even greater strength.

"Heh, are they all born with supernatural power? It's really interesting!" Zhennan Hou Shizi's eyes became more and more sinister: "No matter who is real, I will capture both of them today!"

(End of this chapter)

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